Figure 3. Silencing of TFEB or TFE3 inhibits the growth of BHD‐associated tumors.
A–F(A, D) Representative pictures of mice injected with UOK257 cells silenced for luciferase (shLuc) (A, D) or for TFEB (A) or for TFE3 (D). Pictures were taken approximately 4 months after injection. (B, E) Plots show tumor volumes in mice injected with UOK257/shLuc (n = 8) or UOK257/shTFEB (n = 10) (B) and mice injected with UOK257/shLuc (n = 8) or UOK257/shTFE3 (n = 9) (E); (mean ± SD). *P = 0.036 for plot in (B) and *P = 0.023 for plot in (E); unpaired t‐test. (C, F) Kaplan–Meier analysis of mice survival relative to the two experimental groups. Long‐rank test, P < 0.0001. The median survival time of mice injected with UOK257/shLuc is 219.5 days in (C) and 244.5 days in (F).
GVenn diagram showing overlapping genes in the analyzed data sets.
HKEGG pathways relative to overlapping genes in (G) (Dataset EV4).
Source data are available online for this figure.