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. 2023 May 15;536:120847. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120847

Table 1.

Susceptibility of Pinaceae species to Lecanosticta species (species names and native ranges as assigned by Farjon (2010).

Degree of susceptibility of host Reference Country of observation Grown as native or exotic Additional comments
Resistant (no traces of infection have been reported where hosts located close to infected trees, or in artificial inoculation studies)
Abies concolor. (Gordon et Glendinning) Hildebrand Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Inferred: uninfected despite inoculum present within the Botanic garden
Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. Beenken et al., 2018 Switzerland Native Inferred: uninfected despite inoculum present locally
Cech (unpublished data) Austria Native uninfected following artificial inoculation
Picea koyamae Shiras. Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Inferred: uninfected despite inoculum present within the Botanic garden
Pinus fenzeliana Hand.-Mazz. Li et al., 1986 China Native , Inferred: forests and plantations uninfected despite inoculum present locally
P. heldreichii var. leucodermis (Antoine) Markgraf ex Fitschen Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Inferred: uninfected despite inoculum present within the Botanic garden
P. massoniana Lambert Li et al., 1986 China Native Plantations
P. sibirica Du Tour Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Inferred: uninfected despite inoculum present within the Botanic garden
P. taiwanensis Hayata Li et al., 1986 China Exotic Plantations
Low (trace levels of foliar infection)
Cedrus libani A. Rich. Oskay et al., 2020 Turkey Native Observation in Botanic garden
Picea glauca (Moench) Voss Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Exotic to most of USA (native to Canada, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Wyoming) Trace infection only when exposed to high levels of inoculum
P. attenuata Lemmon Chandelier et al., 1994 France Exotic Plantations
P. banksiana Lamb.
Laut et al., 1966
Native (to eastern Canada) Plantations
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Native (to northern USA) Field inoculations in Christmas tree plantations
Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Botanic garden
P. caribaea Morelet Lin and Liang, 1988 China Exotic Plantations
Evans, 1984 Belize Native Natural forests
Although diagnosed as L. acicola on the basis of morphological examination, subsequent phylogenetic analysis suggests L. acicola is not present in Central America
van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Guatemala, Honduras Native Natural forests
Phylogenetic analysis detected L. variabilis, L. pharomachri, L. jani, and L. guatemalensis but not L. acicola
P. contorta Douglas ex Loudon
Evans, 1984
Native Infection recorded in forests, no details given
Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Botanic garden
P. densiflora Siebold et Zuccarini Suto and Ougi, 1998 Japan Native Artificial inoculation studies. Decreasing susceptibility with age
P. elliottii Engelmann Gibson, 1980 Colombia Exotic Infection present in plantations, but causing little damage
Cao, 2008
China Exotic Plantations
Tree breeding research used to produce less susceptible P. elliottii clones.
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Exotic Plantations
P. massoniana Gong and Liang, 1988, Kehui et al., 1996 China Native Plantations and young trees adjacent to heavily infected P. taeda
P. maximinoi H. E. Moore van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Native Natural forests
Phylogenetic analysis detected L. variabilis and L. jani, but no L. acicola
P. mugo Turra Geodatabase (this paper) Switzerland, Austria Native Natural regeneration in bogs
P. nigra J.F. Arnold
Sadiković et al., 2019a‡‡ Slovenia Native Forests
Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia Exotic Botanic garden
P. nigra J. F. Arnold var. nigra Hintsteiner et al., 2012 Austria
Native Mature trees in gardens
P. oocarpa Schiede ex Schlectendahl Evans, 1984
Costa Rica, Native Natural forests
Although diagnosed as L. acicola, subsequent phylogenetic analyses suggest L. acicola not present in Central America
van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Native Phylogenetic analysis detected L. variabilis, L. pharomachri, L. jani, and L. guatemalensis but not L. acicola
P. palustris Miller Webster, 1930, Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Native Plantations and field inoculations in Christmas tree plantations
Impacts vary across this host’s natural range, but breeding programmes have led to development of less susceptible varieties
Huang et al., 1995
China Exotic Plantations
P. palustris × elliottii Derr, 1966
Lott et al., 1966
USA Native Plantations – experimental trials of P. palustris hybrids
P. palustris × taeda Lott et al., 1966 USA Native Plantations – experimental trials of P. palustris hybrids
P. patula Schiede ex Schlectendahl et Chamisso Gibson, 1980
Colombia Exotic Plantations
P. pinaster Aiton
Siggers, 1944 USA Exotic Infection recorded. No details given
Martínez and Juan, 1965 Spain Native Infection rare and insignificant. Location ‘type’ not specified
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Native Arboretum
P. pinea L. Siggers, 1944 USA Exotic Infection recorded. No details given
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Native Arboretum
P. pseudostrobus Lindley Evans, 1984, Marmolejo, 2000, van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Mexico Native Natural Forests
Phylogenetic analysis detected L. gloeospora but not L. acicola
van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Guatemala, Honduras
Native Natural forests
Phylogenetic analysis detected L. brevispora but not L. acicola
P. radiata D. Don Chandelier et al., 1994, Lévy, 1996 France Exotic Plantations
P. × rhaetica (natural hybrid of P. mugo and P. sylvestris) Adamson et al. 2015, 2018
Exotic Botanic garden and plantations where slight infection recorded in naturally regenerated trees in mixed stand of P. mugo and P. sylvestris
Raitelatytė et al., 2022 Lithuania Exotic In forest plantations where slight infections were recorded in naturally regenerated trees in mixed stands of P. mugo and P. sylvestris
P. resinosa Aiton Nicholls and Hudler, 1972 USA (Wisconsin) Native to eastern USA Low levels of infection in trees adjacent to heavily infected P. sylvestris in Christmas tree plantations
P. rigida Miller
Hedgecock, 1929, Siggers, 1944 USA Native to SE USA Infection recorded. No details given
Adamson et al. 2015 Estonia exotic Botanic garden
Pinus roxburghii Sargent Magán and de Ana, 1997 Spain Exotic Chlorosis of nursery seedlings, low levels of mortality observed
P. strobus L.
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Native Field inoculations in Christmas tree plantations
P. sylvestris L. Skilling and Nicholls, 1974
USA Exotic but considered naturalised Christmas tree plantations - ‘German’ long needled provenance lowest susceptibility of four P. sylvestris provenances tested
Adamson et al., 2018 Estonia Native Naturally regenerated trees in mixed stand of P. mugo and P. sylvestris
Dubach et al., 2018 Switzerland Native Low levels of infection found during national monitoring exercises
Sadiković et al., 2019a Slovenia Native Relatively uninfected despite close proximity to heavily infected P. mugo
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Native Arboretum
Raitelaitytė et al., 2022 Lithuania Native Naturally regenerated trees in mixed stand of P. mugo and P. sylvestris
Raitelaitytė et al., 2020 Poland Native Naturally regenerated trees in mixed stand of P. mugo and P. sylvestris
P. taeda L.
Webster, 1930, Phelps et al., 1978 USA Native (to southern and eastern States) Christmas tree plantations
Chandelier et al., 1994 France Exotic Plantations
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Exotic Arboretum
P. tecunumanii Eguiluz et J.P. Perry van der Nest et al., 2019a, van der Nest et al., 2019b Guatemala
Native Natural forests
Phylogenetic analysis detected L. guatemalensis, L. jani, L. pharomachri and L. tecunumanii but not L. acicola
P. thunbergii Parlatore Seo et al., 2012 South Korea Native Coastal windbreaks
Ye and Wu, 2011 China, Jiangsu Province exotic Unspecified
Medium (infection clearly visible, but growth not seriously affected)
Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carrière‡‡‡ Schenck et al., 2022 France Native Plantations
P. ayacahuite Ehrenberg ex Schlechtendahl Marmolejo, 2000 Mexico Native Natural forests
P. brutia Tenore Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Exotic Arboretum
P. brutia var. pityusa (Steven) Silba Zhukov and Zhukov, 2008 Russia (Black Sea) Native Native forests and plantations
P. caribaea Hedgecock, 1929
Exotic Artificial inoculation
Li et al., 1986 China Exotic Plantations
P. cembroides Zuccarini Marmolejo, 2000 Mexico Native Unspecified
P. clausa (Chapman ex Engelmann) Vasey ex Sargent Li et al., 1986a China Exotic Plantations
P. echinata Miller Li et al., 1986 China Exotic Plantations
P. maximinoi Theron et al., 2022 Colombia Exotic Young plantations infected by L. pharomachri
P. nigra
Georgieva, 2020
Bulgaria Native Plantations and natural forest
Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Native Arboretum
P. nigra subsp. laricio (Poir.) Maire Alvère et al., 2010 France Native Plantations
P. palustris Li et al., 1986 China Exotic Plantations
P. patula Theron et al., 2022 Colombia Exotic Young plantations infected by L. pharomachri
P. ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson Mesanza et al., 2021b Spain Exotic Arboretum
P. pumila (Pall.) Regel Zhukov et al., 2013 Russia (Sakhalin) Native Natural forests
P. resinosa
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Native (north eastern states) Field inoculation in Christmas tree plantations
P. sylvestris
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974
Exotic but considered naturalised In Christmas tree plantations
NB. ‘Austrian Hills’ provenance moderately susceptible in a test of four provenances
Alvère et al., 2010
Native Plantations
Jurc and Jurc, 2010, Sadiković et al., 2019a Slovenia Native Forests, urban areas
P. taeda Hedgecock, 1929, Toole, 1939, Boyce, 1952 USA Native (to southern and eastern states)
Artificial inoculations
Ye and Li, 1996 China Exotic Plantations
P. tecunumanii (low elevation provenance) Theron et al., 2022 Colombia Exotic Young plantations infected by L. pharomachri
High (high levels of defoliation and in some cases, mortality observed)
P. × attenuradiata Stockwell & Righter Chandelier et al., 1994, Lévy, 1996 France Exotic Plantations. High mortality observed
P. caribaea López Castilla et al., 2002 Cuba Native High seedling mortality in nurseries
P. cubensis Grisebach / P. maestrensis Bisse López Castilla et al., 2002 Cuba Native High seedling mortality in nurseries
P. contorta subsp. latifolia (Engelm.) Critchfield Laut et al., 1966 Canada Native Plantations. High mortality observed
P. densiflora Magán and de Ana, 1997 Spain Exotic High seedling mortality in nurseries
P. elliottii Li et al., 1986b, Ye and Li, 1996 China Exotic Plantations. High mortality observed prior to development of more resistant clones in China
P. halepensis Miller Milatović, 1976, Glavaš and Margaletić, 2001 Croatia
Native Plantations and natural forests.
Mortality observed
Marmolejo, 2000 Mexico Exotic Research forest
P. merkusii Junghuhn & de Vriese ex Vriese Magán and de Ana, 1997 Spain Exotic High seedling mortality in nurseries
P. mugo
Evans et al., 1981 Canada Exotic Ornamental specimens
La Porta and Capretti, 2000
Ghelardini et al., 2019
Italy Native Botanic Garden, Urban and parkland trees
Brandstetter and Cech, 2003
Hinsteiner et al., 2012
Austria Native Urban trees and gardens
Markovskaja et al., 2011, Raitelaitytė et al., 2022 Lithuania
Exotic Plantations, Botanic gardens, urban trees, Arboretum
Adamson et al., 2015 Estonia Exotic Urban or parkland trees
Raitelaitytė et al., 2020 Poland Native Urban trees, plantations
Geodatabase (this paper) Slovakia Native Arboretum
Jurc and Jurc, 2010, Sadiković et al., 2019a Slovenia Native Arboretum, urban areas, cemeteries Forests
Geodatabase (this paper) Switzerland, pol Native Natural regeneration in bogs
P. mugo subsp. mugo Mullett et al., 2018 Russia (Black Sea) Exotic Botanic Garden, arboretum
P. mugo var. Hesse Cleary et al., 2019 Sweden Exotic Arboretum
P. mugo Turra subsp. rotundata
(Link) Janch. Et H. Neumayer
Jankovský et al., 2008, 2009b Czech Republic Native Natural regeneration in bogs
P. muricata D. Don Lévy et al., 1996 France Exotic Plantations
P. nigra
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974 USA Exotic but considered naturalised Field inoculation in Christmas tree plantations
Evans et al., 1981 Canada Naturalised Plantations
Ye and Li, 1996 China Exotic Plantations
Sadiković et al., 2019a‡‡ Slovenia Native Forests
P. nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe
P. nigra subsp. pallasiana var. fastigiata Businský
P. nigra subsp. pallasiana var. pallasiana f. şeneriana (Saatçioğlu) Kandemir and Mataracı)
Oskay et al., 2020 Turkey Native Arboretum
P. palustris
Chapman, 1926, Hedgecock, 1929, Siggers, 1944
Wakeley, 1970
USA Native Plantations.
Impacts vary across this host’s natural range, but mortality observed in young trees. Less susceptible varieties now available from breeding programmes
P. ponderosa Luttrell, 1949, Peterson, 1981 USA Native (to mid-west and western states) Plantations and parkland trees
Mortality observed in plantations outside natural host range of western USA
P. radiata D. Don Gibson, 1980
Exotic Plantations
Ortíz de Urbina et al., 2017 Spain Exotic Plantations
P. resinosa Nicholls and Hudler, 1972
USA Native (north eastern states) Artificial inoculation trials
P. strobus
Broders et al., 2015, Wyka et al., 2017, 2018 USA Native Plantations.
Mortality observed
P. sylvestris
Skilling and Nicholls, 1974, Peterson, 1981
Exotic but considered naturalised In Christmas tree plantations, and landscape planting. Short-needled ‘Spanish’ and ‘French Green’ were the most susceptible of four provenances tested in Christmas tree plantations
Zhukov and Zhukov, 2008 Russia (Black Sea) Native Native forests and plantations
Oskay et al., 2020
Native Arboretum
Georgieva, 2020 Bulgaria Native Native forests and plantations
P. taeda Toole, 1939, Boyce, 1952 USA Native (to southern and eastern states) In plantations
Li et al., 1986b, Ye and Qi, 1999 China Exotic In plantations
P. thunbergii Li et al., 1986 China Exotic In plantations
Mullett et al., 2018 Russia (Black Sea) Exotic Botanic garden, arboretum
Suto and Ougi, 1998 Japan Native On ornamental planting stock
P. coulteri D. Don Siggers, 1944 USA Native Infection recorded. No details given
P. culminicola Andresen et Beaman Marmolejo, 2000, Quaedvlieg et al., 2012 Mexico Native L. longispora detected using morphological and molecular methods, no information on host condition given
P. glabra Walter Hedgecock, 1929, Siggers, 1944 USA Native Infection recorded. No details given
P. jeffreyi Greville et Balfour in A. Murray Siggers, 1944 USA Native Infection recorded. No details given
P. sabiniana
Douglas ex D.Don
Siggers, 1944 USA Native to western USA Infection recorded. No details given
P. serotina Michaux Siggers, 1944 USA Native to south east USA Infection recorded. No details given
Pinus × sondereggeri
(natural hybrid of Pinus palustris and P. taeda)
Hedgecock, 1929 USA Native to south east USA Infection recorded. No details given
P. uncinata Raymond ex DC. Cech, unpublished data Austria Native L. acicola detected using molecular methods, no information on host condition given
P. virginiana Miller Hedgecock, 1929 USA Native to east USA Infection recorded. No details given

Denotes host species whose susceptibility has been rated differently by multiple authors and appear in more than one resistance category.


Sadiković et al., 2019a report varying impacts of the pathogen on P. nigra in Slovenia, attributing the differences to possible differences in aggressiveness of L. acicola populations between the regions of Tolmin (heavily affected) and Trenta (less affected).


The authors of this most recent record (Schenke et al. 2022) described considerable variation in disease severity of 15–25 year old Cedrus atlantica grown in plantations. Light to severe defoliation was recorded but further observations will be needed to assess susceptibility.