Fig. 5.
Morphological features of DG and CA1 regions in the hippocampus after CCI and SCI. A) Top: representative pictures of DG dendrite and spine morphologies after CCI used for quantification with a 100× objective. Bottom: representative pictures of CA1 dendrite and spine morphologies after CCI used for quantification with a 100× objective. B) Top: representative pictures of DG dendrite and spine morphologies after SCI used for quantification with a 100× objective. Bottom: representative pictures of CA1 dendrite and spine morphologies after SCI used for quantification with a 100× objective. C) Spine density in DG and CA1 after CCI. D) Spine density in DG and CA1 after SCI. E) Total dendritic length in DG and CA1 after CCI. F) Total dendritic length in DG and CA1 after SCI. G) Density of different spine types after CCI in DG. H) Top: examples of long thin, thin, stubby, and mushroom spines in DG after CCI. Bottom: quantification classification of different morphological spine types. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 compared with the corresponding mCherry control group.