Figure 5.
Analysis of protein stability and conformational changes in the presence of Xe using (a) one-pot SPROX and of protein conformational changes in the presence of Xe using (b) STEPP-LiP. Gray lines represent criteria used for the selection of differentially stabilized proteins or differentially cleaved proteins (|peptide log2(fold-change)| ≥ 2 STDEV from average log2(fold change), p ≤ 0.05). Red and blue dots represent hit proteins that passed the selection criteria for destabilization and stabilization in SPROX, or protection and exposure in LiP. (c) Venn diagram showing number of overlapping protein hits for SPROX and LiP techniques and (d) GO Biological Process and Molecular Function analysis of protein hits in SPROX and LiP experiments reveals the Xe-interactome is enriched in proteins with ATP-dependent activities.