Effects of cryotherapy on urinary and sexual function. Waterfall plots (left) and group proportions (right) for all 143 men completing the EPIC‐CP questionnaires at baseline and 6 months. Three domains are analyzed: urinary incontinence (upper panels), urinary irritation/obstruction (middle panels), and sexual function (lower panels). In the waterfall plots, the band of clinical insignificance (change <0.5 SD) is shown in gray (shaded); upward bars indicate worsening, downward bars indicate improvement; middle area indicates no change. In stacked bars on right, blue = good (score 0–3), orange = fair (score 4–6), and red = poor (score 7+).
Less than 10% of the group reported issues with continence before treatment, and this proportion declined slightly after treatment (upper panel). Approximately one‐third of the men reported obstructive/irritative symptoms before treatment (middle panel); this proportion decreased to approximately 20% after treatment. Conversely, regarding sexual function (lower panel), 83% of men reported good or fair sexual function before treatment; after treatment that proportion decreased to 70%.