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. 2023 Jan 23;33:100691. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100691

Table 1.

Sociodemographic, behavioural, health and reproductive characteristics for women of the 2015 SIDHS.

Risk factors Frequency (%)
Sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics n = 4334

Marital status
In union 3940 (90.96)
Not in union 392 (9.04)
Anglican 1315 (30.36)
Roman Catholic 965 (22.28)
Protestant & Pentecostal churches 1699 (39.20)
Minor religion 352 (8.15)
Melanesian 4183 (96.55)
Polynesian 88 (2.03)
Micronesian 57 (1.31)
Missing∗ 5 (0.11)
Household wealth
Poor (Quintiles 1–2) 1956 (45.16)
Middle (Quintile 3) 844 (19.49)
High (Quintiles 4–5) 1531 (35.35)
Place of residence
Urban 761 (17.57)
Rural 3571 (82.43)
Maternal age (years)
<20 1070 (6.04)
20–34 2242 (70.53)
35–49 1020 (23.43)
Maternal education
Primary and lower 2498 (57.67)
Secondary and higher 1829 (42.23)
Missing∗ 5 (0.10)
Household member
1–5 1633 (37.70)
>5 2699 (62.30)
Birth order
1st children 675 (15.58)
2nd −4th children 2499 (57.69)
5th children and above 1158 (26.74)
Sex of child
Male 2248 (51.89)
Female 2084 (48.11)
Singleton 4256 (98.25)
Multiple gestation 746 (1.75)
Yes 4097 (94.58)
No 235 (5.42)
Tobacco/cigarette use historyc
Yes 732 (16.90)
No 3592 (82.91)
Missing∗ 8 (0.19)
Alcohol use historyc
Yes 252 (5.81)
No 4047 (93.41)
Missing∗ 34 (0.78)
Kava use historyc
Yes 113 (2.64)
No 4156 (97.19)
Missing∗ 7 (0.16)
Marijuana use historyc
Yes 114 (2.67)
No 4156 (97.19)
Missing∗ 6 (0.14)
Betel nut use historyc
Yes 3630 (84.89)
No 643 (15.04)
Missing∗ 3 (0.07)
Maternal health risks and health services (n = 2706)

Antenatal care
Yes 2582 (95.39)
No 125 (4.61)
Malaria in pregnancy
Yes 201 (9.08)
No 2008 (90.92)
Missing∗ 496 (18.34)
Postnatal checkd
Yes 1716 (63.68)
No 979 (36.32)
Missing∗ 10 (0.36)
Place of delivery
Health facility 2338 (87.03)
Non health facility 348 (12.97)
Missing∗ 17 (0.66)
Birth weight (kilograms)
<2.5 kg 233 (8.82)
≥2.5 kg 2058 (76.09)
Missing∗ 414 (15.30)
Birth attendante
High skilled health professional 2084 (78.19)
Low or no skilled attendant 581 (21.81)
Missing∗ 40 (1.47)
Mode of delivery
C-section 182 (7.83)
Normal vaginal delivery 2147 (92.17)
Missing∗ 376 (13.89)
Maternal tetanus vaccinationf
Yes 2366 (87.48)
No 331 (12.24)
Missing∗ 8 (0.28)

Study population consists of all births of sociodemographic, behavioural characteristics (weighted n = 4334) and last births of health and reproductive characteristics (weighted n = 2706) born between 2010 and 2015 of the Solomon Islands demographic health survey.

All frequencies were rounded to the nearest whole number and proportions were rounded to 2 decimal places.

∗Asterix (∗) means missing observations.

SSEC; South Seas Evangelical Church, SDA; Seventh Day Adventist.


Minor religion refers to the combination of all minor Christian and non-Christian denominations and religions. Protestant and Pentecostal churches represent South Seas Evangelical, Seventh Day Adventist and United churches.


Breastfeeding variable indicated if women had ever breastfed their babies.


Tobacco and cigarette, alcohol use, kava, marijuana and betel nut use history indicated that the women had ever tried or used any of these substances in the last 30 days or 1 year of the interview.


Postnatal check variable means child has postnatal check within 2 months of birth.


High skilled health professionals represented, obstetricians, doctors, nurses and midwives, and low skilled represented nurse aids, and traditional birth attendants.


Maternal tetanus vaccination during pregnancy.