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. 2023 Apr 3;55(4):844–859. doi: 10.1038/s12276-023-00976-4

Table 1.

KCNQ4 variants detected in individuals with autosomal dominant hearing loss.

Groupa Individual Sex Age of onset (years) Nucleotide changeb Amino acid change Exon Zygosity Amino acid sequence conservation dbSNPc ESPd gnomADe KRGDBf PP2g MTh SIFTi CADDj DVDk
YUHL YUHL37-21 M Late 20 s c.991 C > T p.Arg331Trp 7/14 Het Danio rerio rs1178772384 ND 0 ND Dam (1) DC (1) Del (0) 29.2 Unknown significance
YUHL206-21 F Early 50 s c.1339 C > T p.Arg447Trp 10/14 Het Gallus gallus rs758333323 ND 0.0000335 ND Dam (0.446) Neu (0.98) Del (0.02) 24.7 Unknown significance
YUHL261-21 F Early 10 s c.1304del p.Gly435AlafsTer61 10/14 Het Xenopus tropicalis ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
YUHL450-21 F Early 60 s c.1258 C > T p.Arg420Trp 9/14 Het Mus musculus rs576041348 ND 0.0001813 0.00136364 Dam (0.548) DC (0.9) Del (0.02) 24.8 Unknown significance
YUHL463-21 M Early 30 s c.992 G > A p.Arg331Gln 7/14 Het Danio rerio rs1408578386 ND 0.000004102 ND Dam (0.992) DC (1) Del (0) 29.6 Unknown significance
YUHL493-21 F Early 40 s c.316 T > G p.Phe106Val 1/14 Het Danio rerio rs189892658 ND 0.00007615 0.000454545 Dam (0.968) DC (1) Del (0) 25.3 Unknown significance
YUHL512-21 M Early 50 s c.2014 G > A p.Val672Met 14/14 Het Xenopus tropicalis rs754076761 ND 0.00007961 ND Dam (0.736) DC (0.9) Del (0.04) 25.2 Pathogenic
YUHL556-21 M Early 50 s c.140 T > C p.Leu47Pro 1/14 Het Danio rerio rs1271250198 ND ND ND Ben (0.003) DC (1) Del (0.03) 22.6 Pathogenic
YUHL608-21 F Late 10 s c.140 T > C p.Leu47Pro 1/14 Het Danio rerio rs1271250198 ND ND ND Ben (0.003) DC (1) Del (0.03) 22.6 Pathogenic

Ben benign, Dam probably damaging, Del deleterious, DC disease-causing, Het heterozygous in the affected individual, F female, M male, ND no data or DNA not available, Neu neutral.

aGroup indicates cohorts in which individuals with variants were found, comprising one case cohort (YUHL).

bVariants are numbered according to the human cDNA reference sequence NM_004700.4 (KCNQ4).

cdbSNP database (

dExome Sequencing Project (

ePopulation frequency of KCNQ4 variants in gnomAD (

fThe Korean Reference Genome Database (

gPolyPhen-2 HumVar prediction score (

hMutationTaster (

iSIFT Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant (

jphred-like scores (scaled C-scores) on the Combined Annotation-Dependent Depletion (

kDeafness variation database (