Fig. 1. A sensitive workflow for comprehensive cell type-selective proteomics and secretomics.
a Scheme of cell-selective proteomics workflows: The methionyl-tRNA synthetaseL274G (MetRS*) activates azidonorleucine (Anl) by loading it onto methionyl-tRNAs. MetRS*-expressing cells incorporate Anl as a methionine substitute into newly synthesized proteins. Lentivirally transduced primary MetRS*-expressing or wild-type (Ctrl) PDAC cells isolated from mouse tumors with a conditional pancreatic expression of KrasG12D were grown for 8 h in Met-depleted medium supplemented with 4 mM Anl. 1 × 107 MetRS* and Ctrl cells were processed by DST enrichment, DBCO enrichment, and our improved alkyne-agarose CuAAC enrichment protocols (n = 3, workflow replicates). b Peptide yields (mean ± SD) determined by absorbance at 280 nm after enrichment, digestion, and solid phase peptide extraction. c Identified protein groups (mean ± SD) after MS-based analysis using 2 h chromatographic gradient length and data-dependent acquisition (DDA). d Intensity ratios of proteins identified in MetRS* and Ctrl samples. Counts of overlapping identifications with ratios are indicated. e Specifically enriched protein groups (exclusive or >3-fold higher intensity compared to Ctrl samples) identified after alkyne-agarose enrichment and single run DDA, DDA analysis of 16 fractions separated by offline high-pH reverse phase chromatography, or single run data-independent acquisition (DIA) (mean ± SD, fractionation n = 1, single shots n = 3, workflow replicates). The latter was used for all further experiments. f Scheme of cell-selective secretomics workflow: MetRS* and Ctrl 8661 PDAC cells were cultured for 8 h in 5% FBS containing Met-depleted medium with 4 mM Anl (n = 3, workflow replicates). MetRS*-expressing cell-derived Anl-proteins were enriched from cell supernatants after buffer exchange and concentration. g Specifically-enriched PDAC cell-released proteins ranked by label-free quantification (LFQ) intensity. Proteins with cytokine function are indicated. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.