Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of National Lung Screening Trial LDCT Arm Study Participantsa Among Those Who Ever Had a SIF Reported at Least Once During the Screening Trial vs Those Who Did Not.
Characteristic | No. (%) | |
Ever SIF | Never SIF | |
Age, mean (SD), yb | 62.2 (5.2) | 61.0 (4.9) |
Raceb | ||
Black | 368 (4.1) | 811 (4.6) |
White | 8297 (92.7) | 15 826 (90.4) |
Otherc | 289 (3.2) | 864 (4.9) |
Ethnicityb | ||
Hispanic/Latino | 113 (1.3) | 357 (2.0) |
Not Hispanic/Latino | 8796 (98.2) | 17 082 (97.6) |
Other | 45 (0.5) | 62 (0.4) |
Sexb | ||
Female | 3511 (39.2) | 7322 (41.8) |
Male | 5443 (60.8) | 10 179 (58.2) |
Educationb | ||
Eighth grade or less | 141 (1.6) | 219 (1.3) |
Ninth through eleventh grade | 494 (5.5) | 772 (4.4) |
High school graduate/GED | 2273 (25.4) | 3943 (22.5) |
Post–high school training, excluding college | 1280 (14.3) | 2426 (13.9) |
Associate degree/some college | 2041 (22.8) | 4104 (23.5) |
Bachelor degree | 1361 (15.2) | 3104 (17.7) |
Graduate school | 1178 (13.2) | 2584 (14.8) |
Other | 186 (2.1) | 349 (2.0) |
Total | 8954 (100) | 17 501 (100) |
Abbreviations: GED, General Educational Development test; LDCT, low-dose computed tomography; SIF, significant incidental finding.
Includes 26 455 participants with at least 1 screening examination; 267 of 26 722 participants (1.0%) randomized to the LDCT arm of the trial had no screening examination.
P < .001 comparing each covariate between ever SIF and never SIF participants. P values were univariate t test (age) and χ2 (categorical variables) Bonferroni-adjusted.
Includes individuals of American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multiracial, or unknown race.