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. 2023 May 8;183(7):677–684. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.1116

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of National Lung Screening Trial LDCT Arm Study Participantsa Among Those Who Ever Had a SIF Reported at Least Once During the Screening Trial vs Those Who Did Not.

Characteristic No. (%)
Ever SIF Never SIF
Age, mean (SD), yb 62.2 (5.2) 61.0 (4.9)
Black 368 (4.1) 811 (4.6)
White 8297 (92.7) 15 826 (90.4)
Otherc 289 (3.2) 864 (4.9)
Hispanic/Latino 113 (1.3) 357 (2.0)
Not Hispanic/Latino 8796 (98.2) 17 082 (97.6)
Other 45 (0.5) 62 (0.4)
Female 3511 (39.2) 7322 (41.8)
Male 5443 (60.8) 10 179 (58.2)
Eighth grade or less 141 (1.6) 219 (1.3)
Ninth through eleventh grade 494 (5.5) 772 (4.4)
High school graduate/GED 2273 (25.4) 3943 (22.5)
Post–high school training, excluding college 1280 (14.3) 2426 (13.9)
Associate degree/some college 2041 (22.8) 4104 (23.5)
Bachelor degree 1361 (15.2) 3104 (17.7)
Graduate school 1178 (13.2) 2584 (14.8)
Other 186 (2.1) 349 (2.0)
Total 8954 (100) 17 501 (100)

Abbreviations: GED, General Educational Development test; LDCT, low-dose computed tomography; SIF, significant incidental finding.


Includes 26 455 participants with at least 1 screening examination; 267 of 26 722 participants (1.0%) randomized to the LDCT arm of the trial had no screening examination.


P < .001 comparing each covariate between ever SIF and never SIF participants. P values were univariate t test (age) and χ2 (categorical variables) Bonferroni-adjusted.


Includes individuals of American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multiracial, or unknown race.