Figure 8.
Oncogenic effects of ALKBH5 were reversed by overexpression of SPP1. (A) CCK-8 showed that SPP1 expression inhibition promoted neuroblastoma cell progression and partially reversed ALKBH5 knockdown-induced reduction in neuroblastoma proliferation; (B) Co-precipitation results in Co-IP experiments indicated that ALKBH5 interacts with SPP1; (C,D) EdU (C) and colony (D) assays showed that inhibition of SPP1 expression promoted neuroblastoma cell proliferation and could partially reverse the decreased proliferation of neuroblastoma cells caused by ALKBH5 knockdown; (E) Knockdown of SPP1 also significantly abolished the reduced invasiveness caused by ALKBH5 deletion (Magnification 20×). CCK-8, cellcounting kit-8; Co-IP, coimmunoprecipitation. *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001.