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. 2023 Apr 30;35(2):140–162. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2023.02.05

Table 1. Logistic regression analysis of associations between ALKBH5 gene polymorphisms and neuroblastoma susceptibility.

Genotype Cases (N=967) Controls (N=1,813) Pa Crude OR (95% CI) P Adjusted OR (95% CI)b Pb
HWE, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; a, χ2 test for genotype distributions between neuroblastoma cases and cancer-free controls; b, Adjusted for age and sex. Additive model was defined as GG vs. GA vs. AA (rs1378602), GG vs. GA vs. AA (rs8400). Dominant model was defined as AA/GA vs. GG (rs1378602), AA/GA vs. GG (rs8400). Recessive model was defined as AA vs. GG/GA (rs1378602), AA vs. GG/GA (rs8400).
rs1378602 (HWE=0.983)
 GG 785 (81.18) 1,499 (82.68) 1.00 1.00
 GA 173 (17.89) 299 (16.49) 1.11 (0.90−1.36) 0.343 1.11 (0.90−1.36) 0.336
 AA 9 (0.93) 15 (0.83) 1.15 (0.50−2.63) 0.748 1.14 (0.50−2.62) 0.754
Additive 0.327 1.10 (0.91−1.33) 0.328 1.10 (0.91−1.33) 0.323
 Dominant 182 (18.82) 314 (17.32) 0.325 1.11 (0.90−1.36) 0.325 1.11 (0.91−1.36) 0.319
 Recessive 958 (99.07) 1,798 (99.17) 0.779 1.13 (0.49−2.58) 0.779 1.12 (0.49−2.58) 0.786
rs8400 (HWE=0.261)
 GG 290 (29.99) 582 (32.10) 1.00 1.00
 GA 473 (48.91) 911 (50.25) 1.04 (0.87−1.25) 0.653 1.05 (0.88−1.25) 0.613
 AA 204 (21.10) 320 (17.65) 1.28 (1.02−1.60) 0.032 1.28 (1.02−1.61) 0.030
Additive 0.045 1.12 (1.00−1.25) 0.046 1.12 (1.00−1.26) 0.042
 Dominant 677 (70.01) 1,231 (67.90) 0.253 1.10 (0.93−1.31) 0.253 1.11 (0.94−1.31) 0.232
 Recessive 763 (78.90) 1,493 (82.35) 0.027 1.25 (1.03−1.52) 0.027 1.25 (1.03−1.52) 0.028
Combined risk genotypes
 0 655 (67.74) 1,304 (71.92) 1.00 1.00
 1 238 (24.61) 384 (21.18) 1.23 (1.02−1.49) 0.028 1.23 (1.02−1.48) 0.031
 2 74 (7.65) 125 (6.89) 0.043 1.18 (0.87−1.60) 0.287 1.19 (0.88−1.61) 0.271
 0 655 (67.74) 1,304 (71.92) 1.00 1.00
 1−2 312 (32.26) 509 (28.08) 0.021 1.22 (1.03−1.45) 0.021 1.22 (1.03−1.44) 0.022