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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 28:2023.03.14.532664. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.03.14.532664

Table 1.

Summary of all statistical analyses.

Figure Comparison N Test Statistics
Estimate t-stat CI P-value
1F Comparison of locomotion modulation indices for SST control and SST with VIP ablated Ctrl: 7 mice, 600 cells w/out VIP: 5 mice, 277 cells Linear mixed effects model y ~ experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) 0.140 2.566 [0.033, 0.247] 0.010
1I Comparison of locomotion modulation indices for PN control and PN with VIP ablated Ctrl: 6 mice, 1687 cells w/out VIP: 6 mice, 1617 cells Linear mixed effects model y ~ experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) 0.050 1.817 [-0.004, 0.104] 0.067
2D Comparison of surround suppression indices for SST control and SST with VIP ablated Q Ctrl: 6 mice, 86 cells w/out VIP: 4 mice, 30 cells Zero/one inflated beta mixed effects regression model (Experiment type as fixed effect; mouse with nested FoV as random effects) −0.930 −3.620 [−1.439, −0.422] p<0.001
L Ctrl: 6 mice, 101 cells w/out VIP: 4 mice, 36 cells −0.217 −0.909 [−0.684, 0.250] 0.366
2F Comparison of surround suppression indices for PN control and SST with VIP ablated Q Ctrl: 6 mice, 279 cells w/out VIP: 5 mice, 175 cells Zero/one inflated beta mixed effects regression model (Experiment type as fixed effect; mouse with nested FoV as random effects) −0.545 −4.288 [−0.795, −0.295] p<0.001
L Ctrl: 6 mice, 314 cells w/out VIP: 5 mice, 165 cells −0.423 −2.775 [−0.724, −0.123] 0.006
3E Comparison of false alarm rates for light stimulation on trials and light off trials Saline 7 mice Paired t-test [−0.063, 0.052] 0.812
GtACR2 8 mice [−0.019, 0.040] 0.444
3F Comparison of C50 shift for saline injected and GtACR2 injected (opto) mice 100° stim Saline: 7 mice; GtACR2: 8 mice Unpaired t-test [0.268, 0.897] 0.002
20° stim Saline: 4 mice; GtACR2: 3 mice [0.338, 2.459] 0.019
S1C Comparison of VIP cell density in control and VIP ablated mice 10 days post-inject Saline: 3 mice; Caspase: 3 mice Unpaired t-test [−51.53, 175.52] 0.204
14 days post-inject Saline: 3 mice; Caspase: 3 mice [76.07, 283.96] 0.009
21 days post-inject Saline: 3 mice; Caspase: 3 mice [148.66, 275.64] p < 0.001
S1D Comparison of VIP cell density in behavioral control mice and behavioral VIP ablated mice Saline: 4 mice; Caspase: 4 mice Unpaired t-test [151.21, 309.09] p < 0.001
S1E Noise correlations of ΔF/F0 SST Ctrl: 6 mice, 2180 cell pairs w/out VIP: 4 mice, 447 cell pairs Linear mixed effects model y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) State 0.045 4.282 [0.024, 0.065] p < 0.001
ExpType −0.031 −0.580 [−0.135, 0.073] 0.562
State * ExpType 0.071 2.812 [0.022, 0.121] 0.005
PN Ctrl: 5 mice, 1077 cell pairs w/out VIP: 6 mice, 2481 cell pairs Linear mixed effects model y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) State 0.007 0.569 [−0.016, 0.029] 0.569
ExpType 0.023 1.130 [−0.017, 0.064] 0.259
State * ExpType 0.024 1.763 [−0.003, 0.051] 0.078
S1F Noise correlations of deconvolved ΔF/F0 SST Ctrl: 6 mice, 2180 pairs w/out VIP: 4 mice, 447 pairs Linear mixed effects model y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) State −0.011 −1.424 [−0.026, 0.004] 0.155
ExpType −0.027 −0.640 [−0.112, 0.057] 0.522
State * ExpType 0.099 5.322 [0.062, 0.135] p < 0.001
PN Ctrl: 5 mice, 1077 pairs w/out VIP: 6 mice, 2481 pairs Linear mixed effects model y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) State −0.016 −1.671 [−0.035, 0.003] 0.095
ExpType −0.019 −2.337 [−0.035, −0.003] 0.020
State * ExpType 0.015 1.336 [−0.007, 0.038] 0.181
S1G/H Noise correlations of mean-matched deconvolved ΔF/F0 SST Ctrl: 6 mice, (1293, 975) (Q, L) pairs w/out VIP: 4 mice, (261, 202) (Q, L) pairs Linear mixed effects model y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) State −0.024 −1.476 [−0.056, 0.008] 0.140
ExpType −0.014 −0.262 [−0.120, 0.092] 0.793
State * ExpType 0.098 3.176 [0.037, 0.158] 0.0015
PN Control Ctrl: 6 mice, (748, 748) (Q, L) pairs Linear mixed effects model State −0.017 −1.523 [−0.039, 0.005] 0.128
w/out VIP: 6 mice, (1658, 1786) (Q, L) pairs y ~ 1 + state*experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) ExpType −0.015 −1.508 [−0.033, 0.004] 0.132
State * ExpType 0.011 0.846 [−0.015, 0.038] 0.398
S2B Comparison of percent visually tuned cells of all visually responsive cells in SST controls and SST with VIP ablated Ctrl: 6 mice w/out VIP: 4 mice Unpaired t-test 2.844 [0.060, 0.577] 0.022
S2D Comparison of percent visually tuned cells of all visually responsive cells in PN controls and PN with VIP ablated Ctrl: 6 mice w/out VIP: 5 mice Unpaired t-test 1.582 [−0.052, 0.296] 0.148
S2F Comparison of preferred size of visual responses in SST controls and SST with VIP ablated Q Ctrl: 6 mice, 86 cells w/out VIP: 4 mice, 30 cells Zero/one inflated beta mixed effects regression model (Experiment type as fixed effect; mouse with nested FoV as random effects) 43.12 2.971 [14.67, 71.57] 0.004
L Ctrl: 4 mice, 66 cells w/out VIP: 4 mice, 21 cells 10.74 0.605 [−24.06, 45.54] 0.547
S2H Comparison of preferred size of visual responses in PN controls and PN with VIP ablated Q Ctrl: 6 mice, 254 cells, w/out VIP: 5 mice, 175 cells Zero/one inflated beta mixed effects regression model (Experiment type as fixed effect; mouse with nested FoV as random effects) 22.70 3.040 [8.07, 38.33] 0.003
L Ctrl: 3 mice, 202 cells w/out VIP: 3 mice, 122 cells 1.89 0.201 [−16.49, 20.27] 0.841
S3F Comparison of modulation indices in response to various light intensities Low vs Medium 1 mouse, 84 units Friedman’s ANOVA and post-hoc Wilcoxon signed rank test p < 0.001
Medium vs High p < 0.001
Low vs High p < 0.001
S3H Comparison of run probability in saline injected and GtACR2 injected mice Saline: 7 mice GtACR2: 8 mice Linear mixed effects model y ~ experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) 0.068 0.742 [−0.114, 0.250] 0.460
S3I Comparison of c50 shift for saline injected and GtACR2 injected (opto) mice, separated by behavioral state Q Saline: 7 mice GtACR2: 8 mice Unpaired t-test 3.615 [0.276, 1.094] 0.003
L 1.263 [−0.239, 0.913] 0.229
S3J Comparison of c50 for light stimulation on trials and light off trials in GtACR2 mice 100° stim GtACR2: 8 mice Paired t-test −5.394 [−0.675, −0.263] 0.001
20° stim GtACR2: 3 mice Paired t-test −7.273 [−2.189, −0.562] 0.018
S3K Comparison of c50 for light stimulation on trials and light off trials in Saline mice 100° stim Saline: 7 mice Paired t-test 0.944 [−0.181, 0.407] 0.382
20° stim Saline: 4 mice Paired t-test 0.072 [−1.001, 1.048] 0.947
S3N Comparison of run probability in saline injected and VIP-ablated mice Ctrl (saline): 14 mice w/out VIP: 8 mice Linear mixed effects model y ~ experimentType + (1 | mouse:FoV) 0.0319 0.729 [−0.054, 0.118] 0.467
S3O Comparison of c50 for saline injected and VIP-ablated mice, separated by behavioral state Q Ctrl (saline): 14 mice w/out VIP: 8 mice Unpaired t-test −2.231 [−1.655, −0.056] 0.037
L −1.403 [−2.054, 0.402] 0.176
S3P Comparison of lick probability for lowest contrast stimuli in saline injected and VIP-ablated mice Ctrl (saline): 14 mice w/out VIP: 8 mice Unpaired t-test 1.663 [−0.010, 0.095] 0.109