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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 27:2023.04.26.538303. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.26.538303

Fig. 3. NM2 filaments assemble in wide array of actin architectures.

Fig. 3.

(a) Cartoon of migrating fibroblast with unroofed lamella used for CLEM. (b) Overlay of correlated platinum replica electron micrograph and super-resolution fluorescent micrograph of EGFP-NM2A in an unroofed lamella. Orange box indicates the zoom inset in (c-e) and yellow numbered boxes indicate examples used in (g). (c) Separate images of the zoom inset of the example correlation (left panel) with fluorescent EGFP-2A (right panel) and platinum replica depicting ventral actin network (center panel). Scale bars = 1 um. Intensity LUTs are indicated to the right. (f) Cartoon depicting EGFP-NM2A in filamentous form and the fluorescent signal that is detected from this structure. (g) Examples of EGFP-NM2A clusters in the top ‘overlay’ panel coupled with the underlying actin ultrastructure displayed in the PREM-alone frames in the bottom ‘PREM’ panel. Scale bars = 500 nm.