Fig 1: Study design and Senegal drug history.
A) Map of Senegal highlighting the different study locations and their corresponding transmission levels in 2019. Each region is colored by transmission intensity, with red indicating high transmission and green indicating low. Squares denote sampled regions that started SMC in 2014, triangles those that started in 2019, and circles those that have not implemented SMC. B) Therapeutic and chemopreventive drug use in Senegal. Therapeutic drug use in blue/green, chemopreventive drug use in red/purple, SP = Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine, AQ = amodiaquine, ASAQ = Artesenuate/Amodiaquine, Coartem/AL = Coformulated Artemether Lumefantrine, IPTp-SP = Intermittent preventative therapy in pregnant women using SP, SMC = Seasonal malaria chemoprevention.