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. 2023 Mar 27;123(8):4972–5019. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00766

Table 2. Summary of Experimental Conditions for ORR Studies with SEPMs.

SEPM mode substrate for ORR tip tip reaction ref
SECM FB Pt Au disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) OER (402)
SECM TG-SC Pt, Ru, and Au Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O oxidation (99)
SECM TG-SC binary and tertiary combinations of Pd, Au, Ag, and Co (or Cu) on GC W or Au disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O oxidation (400)
SECM SG-TC Au, Pt, and PdCo alloy-modified GC Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O oxidation (399)
SECM SG-TC Hg on Au Pt or Au disk UME (Ø, 25 or 50 μm) H2O2 oxidation (404)
SECM SG-TC Hg, Au, Ag, Cu, Pt, Pd, Pd80Co20, and Au60Cu40 Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O2 oxidation (403)
SECM SG-TC Pt and Pd nano/microstructure Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O2 oxidation (406)
SECM SG-TC Fe porphyrins on GC Au disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) FeIII(OO2) oxidation (407)a
SECM SG-TC nanoporous Au and flat Au substrates Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O2 oxidation (408)
SECM TG-SC-TC Au microdisk microring-disk (ring Au thickness 750 nm, disk Pt Ø, 1 μm) HO2 oxidation (100)
SECM RC Pt spots on GC Pt disk UME (Ø, 10 μm) ORR (106)
SECM RC Pt–Ag NPs (varying Ag content) Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR (411)
SECM RC patterned CNTs decorated with Pt NPs Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR, H2O oxidation (412)
SECM RC undoped and N-doped CNTs Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR (413)
SECM RC Pt, Au, Ru, and Rh and their co-deposits Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 or 50 μm) ORR, H2O oxidation (432)
SECM RC CoS2 Pt disk UME (Ø, 10 μm) ORR (414)a
SECM RC La0.6M0.4Ni0.6Cu0.4O3 (M = Ag, Ba, Ce) Pt disk UME (Ø, 10 μm) ORR (415)a
SECM RC tetratolyl porphyrins (containing Mn, Fe, and Co as central metals) Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR (108)
SECM RC, SG-TC Pd–Pt and Pd–Au electrodeposits on graphite Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O2 oxidation (417)
SECM TG-SC, SG-TC, RC Pt and Au on GC Pt disk UME ORR (115)
SECM RC, SG-TC CoxOy/NC and NixOy/NC Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) H2O2 oxidation (433)
SECM RC Ni0.9Co0.1Fe2O4 mixed oxide Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR (418)
SECM RC MWCNTs, CoP, and MWCNTs/CoP Pt disk UME (Ø, 25 μm) ORR (419)
SECM TG-RC FeN4/rGO Pt disk UME (Ø, 10 μm) ORR (420)
SECM RC (4D-SF/SECM) GDEs Pt disk UME (Ø, ∼1.8 μm) ORR (421)
SECM 4D-SF/SECM GDEs Pt disk UME (Ø, ∼1 μm) PtO reduction (422)a
SECM/SICM SG-TC, hopping Au NPs Theta pipette filled with (aperture Ø, ∼200 nm) H2O2 oxidation (425)
AFM/SECM noncontact HOPG and isolated Pt particles Au-coated SiO2 Pt (edge size 100 nm) H2O2 oxidation (423)a
EC-STM noncontact cobalt(II) and copper(II) phthalocyanines W coated with nail polish ORR tunneling current (429)
EC-STM constant current iron octaethyiporphyrin, W coated with nail polish ORR tunneling current (430)
EC-STM noncontact iron phthalocyanine W coated with nail polish ORR tunneling current (287)
EC-STM   CoTPP on Au W coated with nail polish ORR tunneling current (426)
n-EC-STM constant current Pt on Au W coated with nail polish ORR noise (427)
n-EC-STM noncontact Pt5Gd and Pt5Pr ripped Pt/Ir alloy wire insulated with Apiezon ORR noise (52)a
n-EC-STM noncontact Pt(111)-based surfaces ripped Pt/Ir alloy wire insulated with Apiezon ORR noise (431)a
n-EC-STM noncontact Pt(111) Pt/Ir alloy wire insulated with Apiezon ORR noise (428)a

Works published in the last 5 years.