Study | Reason for exclusion |
Brandon 2011 | Short‐term (15 days) RCT, to test craving and psychological reward; cessation was not an outcome. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Bullen 2018 | Study tested effect of e‐cigarettes as an adjunct to varenicline |
Burstein 2006 | RCT of tolerability and safety of varenicline in 24 elderly (≥ 65) smokers for 1 week. Not a cessation trial |
Chantix 2006 | Tested NRT alone or varenicline + NRT for 12 days to test safety and side effects of co‐administration. Not a cessation trial |
Cui 2012 | Open‐label non‐randomised pre/post study of 36 HIV+ participants; all received varenicline |
Dezee 2013 | RCT in which all participants were given varenicline; intervention tested was in‐person vs internet counselling |
Dutra 2012 | 53 participants with schizophrenia given varenicline + cognitive behavioural therapy. Abstinence assessed at 12 weeks (end of treatment) |
Ebbert 2009a | Open‐label, single‐arm Phase II study, for safety and efficacy of varenicline plus bupropion |
Ebbert 2009b | Cohort analysis of 104 participants on varenicline + NRT and 135 participants treated prior to release of varenicline (93% used NRT) |
Ebbert 2011b | Pilot study of varenicline for smokeless tobacco users. 12‐week outcome (EoT) reported, not long‐term post‐treatment. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Ebbert 2014 | RCT in which all participants were given varenicline; the intervention being tested was bupropion vs placebo. See also Hong 2011 |
Evins 2014 | Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinence participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Faessel 2009 | Outcomes were safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics, not smoking cessation. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Fagerström 2010 | 431 smokeless tobacco users in Norway and Sweden, randomised to varenicline or placebo; CAR assessed at 12 and 26 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Falk 2014 | Varenicline was used for alcohol reduction, not for smoking |
Fatemi 2013 | 3‐arm RCT of varenicline, bupropion and placebo; only assessed to end of treatment (12 weeks). |
Ferketich 2012 | Pilot study of varenicline vs NRT; participants could choose their treatment; intervention being tested was the addition of a lung cancer screening programme |
Ferketich 2013 | Safety of varenicline among smokers enrolled in the Lung HIV study. Participants could choose varenicline or NRT, and were only followed for 3 months. |
Fertig 2015 | Study testing effect of varenicline on alcohol dependence |
Frye 2013 | Participants followed only until EoT (12 weeks) |
Fucito 2011 | Primary outcome was effects on drinking behaviour. Smoking status only measured at end of study (8 weeks) |
Garza 2011 | 110 abstinent smokers treated with varenicline or placebo, to assess incidence and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms; not a cessation trial. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Granatowicz 1976 | No control group |
Gray 2012 | Pilot study of varenicline vs bupropion in older adolescents; outcome was reduction rather than cessation, and participants were only followed for 3 months. |
Hajek 2011 | 101 smokers randomised to preloaded varenicline or placebo; abstinence not measured beyond 12 weeks |
Hajek 2013 | All were given varenicline, with the intervention tested being the addition of a NRT patch. Only followed to 3 months |
Hajek 2015 | Follow‐up under 6 months. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Hartwell 2014 | Varenicline for drinking and smoking; smoking topography and pharmacogenetics rather than smoking cessation |
Hawk 2012 | RCT of extended pre‐TQD varenicline vs standard regimen; all participants got varenicline, and were followed only until end of treatment (12 weeks) |
Hong 2011 | Secondary analysis to Ebbert 2014, looking at depression in recipients of varenicline + bupropion vs varenicline alone |
Hoogsteder 2014 | All participants were given open‐label varenicline; the intervention being tested was the addition of NicVAX. |
Hsueh 2014 | Open‐label cohort study of smokers taking varenicline or NRT |
Hsueh 2021 | Study not randomized. Participants chose their own treatment. |
Hughes 2011 | 218 smokers not ready to quit assigned to varenicline or placebo for 2‐8 weeks for cigarette reduction. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
IRCT20100127003210N | Study not randomised |
Jain 2014 | RCT of smokeless tobacco users. Follow‐up of 12 weeks |
Jennings 2014 | Only followed to 16 weeks |
Jiménez‐Ruiz 2013 | Not an RCT |
Kempe 1967 | Observational uncontrolled study |
Koegelenberg 2014 | All participants took varenicline; the intervention being tested was the addition of NRT. |
Maliszewski 1972 | Uncontrolled study of 14 smokers on a 25‐day course of cytisine (Tabex); followed up for 2 weeks |
Marakulin 1984 | Follow‐up 6 weeks |
McClure 2013 | Laboratory study following an RCT of varenicline in a programmed lapse; abstinence only to 4 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
McColl 2008 | RCT of varenicline's potential as an abuse drug in smokers and non‐smokers; not a smoking cessation trial |
McNaughton 2013 | All participants received varenicline; the intervention being tested, as a relapse prevention aid, was interactive voice response phone calls |
Meszaros 2013 | Pilot study (10 participants, only 4 completers), only followed to 3 months; objective was reduction, not cessation. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Metelitsa 1987 | Uncontrolled study |
Mitchell 2012 | Varenicline was for drinking reduction, not smoking cessation; only followed for 12 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Mocking 2013 | 7‐day administration of varenicline for emotional and cognitive processing in non‐smokers |
Monova 2004 | Follow‐up was 60 days |
Nahvi 2014b | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Nahvi 2020 | Study tested an intervention for improving adherence to varenicline |
NCT00387946 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT00502216 | Study of varenicline and naltrexone for tolerability and weight gain in smokers, not cessation |
NCT00554840 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT00828113 | Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
NCT01093937 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT01413516 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT01532232 | Study terminated |
NCT01574703 | Tobacco abstinence not measured |
NCT01592695 | Different levels of behavioural support between study arms |
NCT01639560 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT01771627 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT01772641 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT01806779 | All participants got varenicline; the addition of bupropion was the intervention being tested. |
NCT01892813 | Different levels of behavioural support between study arms |
NCT02048917 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT02147132 | Cross‐over trial |
NCT02271919 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
NCT02501265 | Study testing the addition of bupropion to a subset of participants receiving varenicline |
NCT03709823 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Nides 2021 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Nollen 2011 | All participants received varenicline, but half received extended counselling and half a single session. Cessation only measured to 3 month end point |
Ostrovskaia 1994 | Uncontrolled study |
Park 2011 | RCT of 49 smokers with lung cancer randomised to varenicline or placebo; follow‐up only for 12 weeks to EoT |
Patterson 2010 | Short‐term (3‐week) study of propensity to relapse with working memory deficits after 10 days of varenicline |
Paun 1968 | Controlled trial of cytisine (Tabex) (366 smokers) vs placebo (239 smokers) but followed only for 8 weeks. Observational study of 230 cytisine‐users followed for 26 weeks, but no comparator group |
Pfeifer 2019 | Did not measure smoking cessation as an outcome |
Pfizer 2006 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Poling 2010 | RCT of varenicline in 31 methadone‐maintained smokers; trial lasted 3 months, and reduction was an outcome of interest (only 3‐month abstinence was reported) |
Ramon 2014 | RCT in which all participants received varenicline; intervention being tested was the addition of NRT |
Rose 2014 | RCT of varenicline versus varenicline + bupropion, in smokers who had failed to quit on NRT. All got varenicline |
Schlienz 2014 | 4 weeks treatment with varenicline; outcome was impact on behavioural economic indices, not smoking cessation |
Schmidt 1974 | Non‐randomised trial |
Schnoll 2011 | RCT of open‐label varenicline + counselling; intervention being tested was recruitment strategies, not smoking cessation |
Shim 2011 | 60 smokers with schizophrenia randomised to varenicline or placebo for 8 weeks; assessment at end of treatment, reduction but not abstinence rates reported |
Sicras‐Mainar 2010 | Multicentre observational non‐randomised non‐controlled study |
Smith 2013 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Stapleton 2008 | Non‐randomised trial |
Stoyanov 1972 | Observational study with no comparator group and short but unstated length of follow‐up |
Swan 2010 | All participants were given varenicline (treated as an included study for 2012 update) |
Tonstad 2006 | Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update |
Tønnesen 2013 | Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update. |
Weiner 2011 | Follow‐up under 6 months |
Zatonski 2006 | Uncontrolled observational study |
CAR: Continuous Abstinence Rate; EoT: end of treatment; NRT: nicotine replacement therapy; RCT: randomised controlled trial; TQD: target quit date