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. 2023 May 5;2023(5):CD006103. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006103.pub8
Study Reason for exclusion
Brandon 2011 Short‐term (15 days) RCT, to test craving and psychological reward; cessation was not an outcome. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Bullen 2018 Study tested effect of e‐cigarettes as an adjunct to varenicline
Burstein 2006 RCT of tolerability and safety of varenicline in 24 elderly (≥ 65) smokers for 1 week. Not a cessation trial
Chantix 2006 Tested NRT alone or varenicline + NRT for 12 days to test safety and side effects of co‐administration. Not a cessation trial
Cui 2012 Open‐label non‐randomised pre/post study of 36 HIV+ participants; all received varenicline
Dezee 2013 RCT in which all participants were given varenicline; intervention tested was in‐person vs internet counselling
Dutra 2012 53 participants with schizophrenia given varenicline + cognitive behavioural therapy. Abstinence assessed at 12 weeks (end of treatment)
Ebbert 2009a Open‐label, single‐arm Phase II study, for safety and efficacy of varenicline plus bupropion
Ebbert 2009b Cohort analysis of 104 participants on varenicline + NRT and 135 participants treated prior to release of varenicline (93% used NRT)
Ebbert 2011b Pilot study of varenicline for smokeless tobacco users. 12‐week outcome (EoT) reported, not long‐term post‐treatment. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Ebbert 2014 RCT in which all participants were given varenicline; the intervention being tested was bupropion vs placebo. See also Hong 2011
Evins 2014 Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinence participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Faessel 2009 Outcomes were safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics, not smoking cessation. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Fagerström 2010 431 smokeless tobacco users in Norway and Sweden, randomised to varenicline or placebo; CAR assessed at 12 and 26 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Falk 2014 Varenicline was used for alcohol reduction, not for smoking
Fatemi 2013 3‐arm RCT of varenicline, bupropion and placebo; only assessed to end of treatment (12 weeks).
Ferketich 2012 Pilot study of varenicline vs NRT; participants could choose their treatment; intervention being tested was the addition of a lung cancer screening programme
Ferketich 2013 Safety of varenicline among smokers enrolled in the Lung HIV study. Participants could choose varenicline or NRT, and were only followed for 3 months.
Fertig 2015 Study testing effect of varenicline on alcohol dependence
Frye 2013 Participants followed only until EoT (12 weeks)
Fucito 2011 Primary outcome was effects on drinking behaviour. Smoking status only measured at end of study (8 weeks)
Garza 2011 110 abstinent smokers treated with varenicline or placebo, to assess incidence and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms; not a cessation trial. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Granatowicz 1976 No control group
Gray 2012 Pilot study of varenicline vs bupropion in older adolescents; outcome was reduction rather than cessation, and participants were only followed for 3 months.
Hajek 2011 101 smokers randomised to preloaded varenicline or placebo; abstinence not measured beyond 12 weeks
Hajek 2013 All were given varenicline, with the intervention tested being the addition of a NRT patch. Only followed to 3 months
Hajek 2015 Follow‐up under 6 months. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Hartwell 2014 Varenicline for drinking and smoking; smoking topography and pharmacogenetics rather than smoking cessation
Hawk 2012 RCT of extended pre‐TQD varenicline vs standard regimen; all participants got varenicline, and were followed only until end of treatment (12 weeks)
Hong 2011 Secondary analysis to Ebbert 2014, looking at depression in recipients of varenicline + bupropion vs varenicline alone
Hoogsteder 2014 All participants were given open‐label varenicline; the intervention being tested was the addition of NicVAX.
Hsueh 2014 Open‐label cohort study of smokers taking varenicline or NRT
Hsueh 2021 Study not randomized. Participants chose their own treatment.
Hughes 2011 218 smokers not ready to quit assigned to varenicline or placebo for 2‐8 weeks for cigarette reduction. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
IRCT20100127003210N Study not randomised
Jain 2014 RCT of smokeless tobacco users. Follow‐up of 12 weeks
Jennings 2014 Only followed to 16 weeks
Jiménez‐Ruiz 2013 Not an RCT
Kempe 1967 Observational uncontrolled study
Koegelenberg 2014 All participants took varenicline; the intervention being tested was the addition of NRT.
Maliszewski 1972 Uncontrolled study of 14 smokers on a 25‐day course of cytisine (Tabex); followed up for 2 weeks
Marakulin 1984 Follow‐up 6 weeks
McClure 2013 Laboratory study following an RCT of varenicline in a programmed lapse; abstinence only to 4 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
McColl 2008 RCT of varenicline's potential as an abuse drug in smokers and non‐smokers; not a smoking cessation trial
McNaughton 2013 All participants received varenicline; the intervention being tested, as a relapse prevention aid, was interactive voice response phone calls
Meszaros 2013 Pilot study (10 participants, only 4 completers), only followed to 3 months; objective was reduction, not cessation. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Metelitsa 1987 Uncontrolled study
Mitchell 2012 Varenicline was for drinking reduction, not smoking cessation; only followed for 12 weeks. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Mocking 2013 7‐day administration of varenicline for emotional and cognitive processing in non‐smokers
Monova 2004 Follow‐up was 60 days
Nahvi 2014b Follow‐up under 6 months
Nahvi 2020 Study tested an intervention for improving adherence to varenicline
NCT00387946 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT00502216 Study of varenicline and naltrexone for tolerability and weight gain in smokers, not cessation
NCT00554840 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT00828113 Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
NCT01093937 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT01413516 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT01532232 Study terminated
NCT01574703 Tobacco abstinence not measured
NCT01592695 Different levels of behavioural support between study arms
NCT01639560 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT01771627 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT01772641 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT01806779 All participants got varenicline; the addition of bupropion was the intervention being tested.
NCT01892813 Different levels of behavioural support between study arms
NCT02048917 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT02147132 Cross‐over trial
NCT02271919 Follow‐up under 6 months
NCT02501265 Study testing the addition of bupropion to a subset of participants receiving varenicline
NCT03709823 Follow‐up under 6 months
Nides 2021 Follow‐up under 6 months
Nollen 2011 All participants received varenicline, but half received extended counselling and half a single session. Cessation only measured to 3 month end point
Ostrovskaia 1994 Uncontrolled study
Park 2011 RCT of 49 smokers with lung cancer randomised to varenicline or placebo; follow‐up only for 12 weeks to EoT
Patterson 2010 Short‐term (3‐week) study of propensity to relapse with working memory deficits after 10 days of varenicline
Paun 1968 Controlled trial of cytisine (Tabex) (366 smokers) vs placebo (239 smokers) but followed only for 8 weeks. Observational study of 230 cytisine‐users followed for 26 weeks, but no comparator group
Pfeifer 2019 Did not measure smoking cessation as an outcome
Pfizer 2006 Follow‐up under 6 months
Poling 2010 RCT of varenicline in 31 methadone‐maintained smokers; trial lasted 3 months, and reduction was an outcome of interest (only 3‐month abstinence was reported)
Ramon 2014 RCT in which all participants received varenicline; intervention being tested was the addition of NRT
Rose 2014 RCT of varenicline versus varenicline + bupropion, in smokers who had failed to quit on NRT. All got varenicline
Schlienz 2014 4 weeks treatment with varenicline; outcome was impact on behavioural economic indices, not smoking cessation
Schmidt 1974 Non‐randomised trial
Schnoll 2011 RCT of open‐label varenicline + counselling; intervention being tested was recruitment strategies, not smoking cessation
Shim 2011 60 smokers with schizophrenia randomised to varenicline or placebo for 8 weeks; assessment at end of treatment, reduction but not abstinence rates reported
Sicras‐Mainar 2010 Multicentre observational non‐randomised non‐controlled study
Smith 2013 Follow‐up under 6 months
Stapleton 2008 Non‐randomised trial
Stoyanov 1972 Observational study with no comparator group and short but unstated length of follow‐up
Swan 2010 All participants were given varenicline (treated as an included study for 2012 update)
Tonstad 2006 Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update
Tønnesen 2013 Relapse prevention study that recruited already abstinent participants. Previously included but excluded for 2023 update.
Weiner 2011 Follow‐up under 6 months
Zatonski 2006 Uncontrolled observational study

CAR: Continuous Abstinence Rate; EoT: end of treatment; NRT: nicotine replacement therapy; RCT: randomised controlled trial; TQD: target quit date