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. 2023 May 5;2023(5):CD006103. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006103.pub8


Study name Achieving smoking cessation milestones in opioid treatment patients: a randomised 2x2 factorial trial of directly observed and long‐term varenicline
Methods 2 x 2 factorial, placebo‐controlled, RCT
Participants 450 participants, aged > 18, currently smoking at least 5 CPD and > 100 in their lifetime, motivated to quit, receiving methadone or buprenorphine in an opioid treatment programme > 3 months
  • Long‐term varenicline ‐ 24 weeks of standard dose

  • Short‐term varenicline ‐ 12 weeks of standard dose, then matched placebo weeks 13‐24

  • Directly observed therapy ‐ varenicline from opioid treatment programme nurses at the same time as methadone

  • Self‐administered varenicline

  • Primary outcomes: initial abstinence (period of > 24 h smoking abstinence), time to lapse, time to relapse (7 consecutive days of self‐reported smoking)

  • Secondary outcomes: durability of tobacco abstinence, validated by exhaled CO at week 28 and week 52, cigarettes smoked/day, nicotine dependence, QoL

Starting date 25 October 2018
Contact information Shadi Nahvi,
Notes Study funding: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NIH, Pfizer, National Institute on Drug Abuse