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. 2023 May 10;2023(5):CD014682. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014682.pub2

Skljarevski 2009.

Study characteristics
Methods Design: parallel
Duration: 13 weeks
Assessment: baseline and post‐intervention
Country: USA and Argentina
Participants Pain condition: low back pain
Population: adult patients with non‐radicular chronic low back pain
Minimum pain intensity: ≥ 4 on 0‐10 scale
Inclusion criteria
  • Clinical diagnosis of chronic low back pain with pain present on most days for ≥ 6 months

  • Pain intensity ≥ 4 on 0‐10 scale

Exclusion criteria
  • Surgery or invasive procedures to treat low back pain

  • Major depressive disorder

Total participants randomised: 404
Age in years (mean, SD): 53.9 (14.1)
Gender: 232/404 were female
Pain duration in years (mean, SD): 11.7 (11.4)
Interventions Placebo
  • n = 117

  • Inert

  • Identical in smell, taste and appearance to duloxetine

  • Matched dosing across all arms

Duloxetine 20 mg
  • n = 59

  • SNRI

  • Fixed dose

Duloxetine 60 mg
  • n = 116

  • SNRI

  • Fixed dose

Duloxetine 120 mg
  • n = 112

  • SNRI

  • Fixed dose

Outcomes Pain intensity
Physical function
Quality of life
Moderate pain relief
Substantial pain relief
Missing data methods ITT with LOCF
Funding source Pharmaceutical: study design, funding and drugs were supplied by Eli Lilly and Company.
Conflicts of interest Authors V. Skljarevski, M. Ossanna, H. Liu‐Seifert, Q. Zhang, A. Chappell, S. Iyengar and M. Detke are or were at the time of submission employees of Eli Lilly and Company and may be minor shareholders.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Patients were randomly assigned by a computer‐generated random sequence.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Participants were allocated using an Interactive Voice Response System.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Low risk Double‐blind, identical study drugs, matched dosing
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Self‐reported outcomes by blinded participants
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk High attrition with significantly more missing in higher dose arm due to AEs. Use ITT and LOCF
Total: 137/404 (33.9%)
Placebo: 35/117 (29.9%)
Duloxetine 20 mg: 16/59 (27.1%)
Duloxetine 60 mg: 36/116 (31.0%)
Duloxetine 120 mg: 50/112 (44.6%)
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Primary outcomes specified prospectively on along with data not presented in paper
Other bias Unclear risk Some baseline differences in important variables: pain history but not imbalanced in a way which favours treatment