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. 2023 May 10;2023(5):CD014682. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014682.pub2

Skljarevski 2010a.

Study characteristics
Methods Design: parallel
Duration: 13 weeks
Assessment: baseline and post‐intervention
Country: Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico, and Netherlands
Participants Pain condition: low back pain
Population: adults with chronic low back pain
Minimum pain intensity: ≥ 4 on 0‐10 scale
Inclusion criteria
  • Chronic low back pain as the primary painful condition; pain must have been present in lower back (T‐6 or below) for most days for the past 6 months or longer with a weekly mean of 24‐hour average pain score of ≥ 4 out of 10 at baseline

Exclusion criteria
  • Any other pain condition, current depression, psychiatric conditions

Total participants randomised: 236
Age in years (mean): 51.5
Gender: 144/236 were female
Pain duration in years (mean): 9.2
Interventions Placebo
  • n = 121

  • Inert

  • Sham matched dosing using same criteria as duloxetine arm

Duloxetine 60‐120 mg
  • n = 115

  • SNRI

  • Participants who did not meet reponse criteria (30% pain relief) had their doses uptitrated blindly.

Outcomes Pain intensity
Physical function
Quality of life
Moderate pain relief
Substantial pain relief
Missing data methods ITT with LOCF
Funding source Pharmaceutical: Eli Lilly and Company
Conflicts of interest Drs Skljarevski, Desaiah, Liu‐Seifert, Zhang, Chappell, and Iyengar are employees and stockholders of Eli Lilly and Company. Dr Detke was a full‐time employee and a major stock holder of Eli Lilly andCompany until March 2009 and is currently a full‐time employee and a major stock holder of Medavante Corporation. Dr Atkinson serves on Lilly Pain Advisory Board. Dr Backonja serves on Lilly Pain Advisory Board and in addition performed clinical trials and received research funding from Allergan, Astellas, Johnson and Johnson, Lilly,Merck, NeurogesX, and Pfizer
Corporate/Industry and Foundation funds were received in support of this work. One or more of the author(s) has/have received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript: e.g., honoraria, gifts, consultancies, royalties, stocks, stock options, decision‐making position.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Randomisation methods not specified
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Allocation procedures not specified; only mention voice centralised system for allocating participants to higher dose, not when randomising and allocating all sample
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk States double blind, matched dosing but no information on study drug appearance
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Self‐reported outcomes from participants, but uncertain of blinding procedures
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk ITT with LOCF. Some data are not the same in the protocol and the paper: more AEs reported on than in the paper. Participants did have significant differences as to why they have missing data: duloxetine group had significantly more withdrawals due to AEs.
Total: 54/236 (22.9%)
Placebo: 23/121 (19.0%)
Duloxetine 60‐120 mg: 31/115 (27.0%)
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All outcomes match those registered on
Other bias Low risk No other sources of bias identified