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. 2023 May 10;2023(5):CD014682. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014682.pub2

Smith 2013.

Study characteristics
Methods Design: cross‐over
Duration: cross‐over periods were 5 weeks
Assessment: baseline and post‐cross‐over period
Country: USA
Participants Pain condition: neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy
Population: adults aged ≥ 25 with cancer and neuropathic pain after completing chemotherapy
Minimum pain intensity: ≥ 4 on 0‐10 scale
Inclusion criteria
  • At least grade 1 sensory pain based on the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for AEs version 3.0 grading scale, for at least 3 months after completing chemotherapy

  • Average pain intensity ≥ 4 on 0‐10 scale

  • Any cancer diagnosis

Exclusion criteria
  • Severe depression, suicidal ideation, bipolar disease, alcohol abuse, a major eating disorder

  • Markedly abnormal renal or liver function tests

Total participants randomised: 231
Age in years (mean, SD): 59 (10.5)
Gender: 138/231 were female
Pain duration in years (mean, SD): NR
Interventions Placebo
  • n = 116

  • Inert

  • Sham dosing to match duloxetine arm

Duloxetine 60 mg
  • n = 115

  • SNRI

  • Forced titration to fixed doses

Outcomes Pain intensity
Moderate pain relief
Substantial pain relief
Quality of life
Missing data methods Completer analysis
Funding source Non‐pharmaceutical: This study was supported by grant CA31946 from the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention, the Alliance Statistics and Data Center, and the Alliance Chairman
Conflicts of interest "Disclosures: all authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Dr Smith reported receiving support from CALGB/Alliance for travel to meetings. Dr Paskett reported institutional support from CALGB/Alliance for travel to meetings. Dr Ahles reported receiving support from CALBG/Alliance for travel to meetings. Dr Fadul reported pending institutional grants from Genentech. Dr Gilman reported institutional and direct grants pending from the NCI [National Cancer Institute]. No other financial disclosures were made."
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk "Randomisation, provided by the CALGB/Alliance Statistical Center, was stratified by neurotoxic drug class (taxanes vs platinums) and by pain risk (high risk vs no risk). A computer‐generated kit number was used to order the blinded study drug from a distribution center."
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk "A computer‐generated kit number was used to order the blinded study drug from a distribution center. Drug labels were applied to the capsule bottles at the distribution center before being mailed to study sites; thus, all patients and personnel were blinded to the treatment assignment."
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Low risk Double‐blind, identical study drugs with matched dosing
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Self‐reported outcomes by blinded participants
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk Mention ITT and imputation, but only report completer analysis
Total: 33/230 (14.3%)
Placebo: 12/111 (10.8%)
Duloxetine 60 mg: 21/109 (19.3%)
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Outcomes match those on prospective trial registration on
Other bias Low risk No other sources of bias were identified.