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. 2023 May 8;20:111. doi: 10.1186/s12974-023-02789-8

Table 2.

Disease and demographic characteristics of study cohort (BA21, max n = 75)

Control PDD DLB AD p-value
Maximum n 18 22 21 14
Age at death, y 82.8 (1.2) 82.4 (1.0) 83.1 (1.6) 85.6 (1.5) 0.41
Female, % 9 (50.0) 11 (50.0) 11 (52.4) 8 (57.1) 0.98
Post-mortem intervala, h 41.5 (5.7) 37.3 (3.6) 44.6 (6.2) 39.0 (6.5) 0.78
Tissue pH 6.4 (0.1) 6.5 (0.1) 6.2 (0.1) 6.4 (0.1) 0.11
MMSE decline per yearb NA 2.3 (0.3) 3.0 (0.5) 4.0 (1.2) 0.30
Predeath MMSEc NA 10.9 (8.2) 12.2 (5.1) 8.4 (7.9) 0.52
Duration of dementiad, y NA 3.7 (0.6) 6.4 (0.9) 9.7 (0.8) < 0.001
Duration of parkinsonisme, y NA 12.9 (1.3) 2.9 (0.7) NA < 0.001
Braak stagef, n
0–II 13 15 4 0 NA
III–IV 0 6 8 2 NA
V–VI 0 1 9 11 NA
NP scoreg 0.45 (0.2) 0.63 (0.1) 2.10 (0.2)* 2.92 (0.1)* < 0.001
NFT scoreh 0.09 (0.1) 0.37 (0.1) 1.40 (0.2)* 2.83 (0.2)*†‡ < 0.001
LB scrorei 0 0.89 (0.2)* 1.75 (0.3)* 0.25 (0.1) < 0.001

All data expressed in mean (SEM) unless otherwise stated. PDD: Parkinson’s disease dementia; DLB: dementia with Lewy body; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; n: number; y: year; h: hour; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; NA: not applicable

aData on post-mortem interval were not available in 1 PDD case

bData on predeath MMSE were not available in all controls, 2 PDD, 9 DLB and 1 AD cases

cData on MMSE decline per year were not available in all controls, 1 PDD, 6 DLB and 2 AD cases

dData on duration of dementia were not available in all controls, 1 PDD, 6 DLB and 1 AD cases

eData on duration of parkinsonism symptoms were not available in all controls, 1 PDD, 7 DLB and 1 AD cases

fData on Braak stage were not available in 5 controls and 1 AD case

gData on NP score were not available in 2 controls, 3 PDD and 1 AD case

hData on NFT score were not available in 2 controls and 1 AD case

iData on LB score were not available in 7 controls, 1 DLB and 2 AD cases

Dunn–Bonferroni post hoc tests correction was performed following a significant Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA), where significant differences from *Control, PDD and DLB were indicated accordingly