Fig. 3.
Microscopy images of the dens lock and the manubrial musculature in different taxa of Collembola. A–C SEM images of the dens lock (anterior view): A Podura aquatica Linnaeus, 1758 [26] B Dicyrtomina ornata (Nicolet, 1842) C Megalothorax minimus [50]. D–F cLSM images of the manubrial musculature on 555 nm: D Podura aquatica (posterior view); E Dicyrtomina ornata (lateral view); F Megalothorax minimus Willem, 1900 (lateral view). M: manubrium; D: dens; Dl: dens lock; L1: Lock 1; L2: Lock 2. Coloured structures, green: hooks L1 and L2; yellow: the furrows