Figure 1.
Methodological details. (A) Study cohort. Included groups of patients are shown in green, and excluded groups are shown in grey. (B) Example slides from the QAB; Wilson et al.,56 used with permission). (C) Examples of manual lesion delineation on DWI, FLAIR, and CT images. (D) Activation maps for semantic decision (hot colours)65 and rhyming decision (cool colours)66 paradigms. Data are from reference66 (n = 16, voxelwise threshold: P < 0.005; corrected at P < 0.05 based on cluster extent using permutation analysis). Based on these data, temporal and parietal language regions are subdivided into dorsal and ventral streams; note that the angular gyrus is a ventral stream region even though it is located in the parietal lobe. (E) Pairwise similarity matrix of all lesion images. Patients are ordered by final group assignments and then by lesion extent (ascending). Groups are indicated with white rectangles. F– = Frontal, less extensive; F+d = Frontal, more extensive, but sparing ventral stream; F+v = Frontal, more extensive, impacting ventral stream; FTP = Complete or near-complete perisylvian; TP– = Temporal or temporoparietal, less extensive; TP+ = Temporal or temporoparietal, more extensive; P = Parietal; VT = Ventral temporal; BG = basal ganglia; M = Midline; Th = Thalamus; O = Occipital; R = Rolandic; NA = none of the above. (F) Violin plot of lesion extent by group. White circles = medians; thick lines = interquartile range (IQR); thin lines = 1.5 × IQR.