Table 2.
Lesion-based groups
Label | Definition | n |
F− | Frontal, less extensive | 29 |
F+d | Frontal, more extensive, but sparing ventral stream | 22 |
F+v | Frontal, more extensive, impacting ventral stream | 14 |
FTP | Complete or near-complete perisylvian | 15 |
TP− | Temporal or temporoparietal, less extensive | 22 |
TP+ | Temporal or temporoparietal, more extensive | 14 |
P | Parietal (dorsal stream only) | 18 |
VT | Ventral temporal | 24 |
BG | Basal ganglia | 62 |
Th | Thalamus | 32 |
M | Midline (medial frontal/parietal and/or cingulate gyrus) | 14 |
O | Occipital | 17 |
R | Rolandic (superior to mouth/laryngeal sensorimotor regions) | 15 |
NA | None of the above | 35 |