Figure 3. SGs suppress PKR and OAS pathways.
A. Schematic of dsRNA-dependent innate immune pathways, involving the dsRNA sensors RLRs, PKR and OASes.
B. IF analysis of PKR, OAS3, RNase L (red) and G3BP1 (green) in U2OS cells. See Figure S1A for antibody validation.
C. SG colocalization was measured by Pearson colocalization coefficient (PCC) between G3BP1 foci and indicated molecules from 10 fields of view.
D. PKR activity in WT vs. ΔG3BPs U2OS cells as measured by PKR phosphorylation and ATF4 expression at indicated time points.
E. RNase L activity in WT vs. ΔG3BPs U2OS cells as measured by rRNA degradation. Total RNA was isolated 24 hr post-dsRNA and was analyzed by TapeStation.