a, Two-dimensional UMAP representations of the gene
expression profiles in 498 neuroblastoma (NB) tumors. Each dot represents a
tumor. The top 5,000 highly variable genes were selected based on the
variance-stabilizing method and 20 significant principle components (PCs)
selected and processed to generate clusters representing four NB subtypes.
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified for each cluster using the
receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve to compare one cluster with the
other three (log2FC > 0.25). b, GO analysis of
DEGs in the four clusters. Significance was assessed by the two-tailed
Fisher’s exact test. c, Heat map of expression values of ten
representative DEGs within each cluster. Rows are
z-score-scaled average expression levels for each gene in all
four clusters. d, UMAP visualization of the distribution of the
indicated prognostic features among the four clusters.
e,f, Heat map of
z-score-transformed log2 normalized expression
values of IA (e) and IE (f) genes in
MYCN-nonamplified NBs (n = 401 tumors).
Tumors were ranked based on increasing IA or IE scores. Cluster annotations of
the tumors are indicated on the top horizontal bar.