a, Upper: linear representation of TAP1
and PSMB9 gene loci showing the locations of the bidirectional
promoter and IRF1 and NF-κB binding sites. Lower: ChIP–qPCR
analysis of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 enrichment at the indicated amplicons
(1–8, shown in red in upper) in SH-SY5Y cells expressing dox-inducible
PRRX1 in the presence or absence of dox (200 ng ml−1) for 10
days. Data points represent mean of two technical replicates of two independent
experiments. b, Metagene representations of average ChIP–seq
occupancies of the indicated histone marks at the promoters of tumor
cell-intrinsic immune genes (TSS ± 2 kb) in 5Y-par. (n =
143 genes), 5Y-res. (n = 114 genes) and SH-EP cells
(n = 114 genes). c, Heat map of histone
enrichment at the same immune gene promoters as in b, ranked in
decreasing order of occupancy in the indicated cells. Each row represents the
normalized densities of histone marks within a ±2 kb window centered on
the TSS. d,e, Representation of pair-wise comparisons
between 5Y-par. and 5Y-res. cells (d), and 5Y-par. and SH-EP cells
(e). The changes (+, gained; −, lost) in occupancies of
the active (H3K4me3, H3K27ac) and repressive (H3K27me3) histone marks
(log2FC ≥ 0.75, TSS ± 2 kb), together with the
corresponding changes in RNA expression (+, overexpressed; log2FC
≥ 1) of each of the tumor cell-intrinsic immune genes analyzed in
b, are shown. f, ChIP–seq tracks depicting
the gain of active histone binding together with the loss of repressive histone
binding at MICB and ULBP3 gene loci (left) or
gain of active marks without changes in repressive mark occupancy at
IFIT3 and STING loci (right). Signal
intensity is given at the top left corner of each track. g, Loess
regression analysis of the correlation between the ratios of active to
repressive histone binding at the promoters of immune response genes and their
RNA expression. Genes are ranked based on increasing expression. Shaded regions
represent 95% confidence intervals. UTR, untranslated region.