a, PCA plot showing the segregation of the depicted
tumors using the 1st and 2nd PCs in 7 matched pairs
and 4 single primary tumors. b, c, UMAP plot showing the segregation of
primary and relapsed tumors (b) overlaid with the sample numbers (c). d, e,
Line plots depicting changes in ADR, MES and M-A (MES-ADR) scores between
primary and relapsed tumor pairs in clusters 2 (d) and 3 (e).
f, Heat map of z-score-transformed log2 normalized
expression values of tumor cell-intrinsic IA and IE genes in the 7 matched
tumor pairs (n = 14 tumor samples). g, h, Line plots depicting the changes
in the indicated immune cell scores in primary and relapsed tumor pairs in
clusters 2 (g) and 3 (h).