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. 2023 Jan 11;32(2):469–491. doi: 10.1044/2022_AJSLP-22-00148

Table 7.

Pairwise Spearman rank correlations among ASRS Total and Component scores a and other clinical variables (sample sizes vary because of unmeasured data).

Measure ASRS phonetic ASRS prosodic ASRS other AOS severity AES Dysarthria severity MSDSR Aphasia severity Years post onset Age
ASRS Total .79 .72 .81 .70 .43 .04 b −.60 −.07 b .08 .09
ASRS phonetic .55 .68 .60 .52 .14 b −.60 −.04 b .09 .03 b
ASRS prosodic .57 .47 .27 −.15 b −.56 −.23 .08 b .13
ASRS other .61 .46 .08 b −.52 −.02 b .10 .08
AOS severity .62 .22 b −.73 .02 b .30 .04 b
AES .18 b −.41 .13 .16 −.03 b
Dysarthria severity −.46 .27 b .13 b −.06 b
MSDSR .18 −.15 −.11
Aphasia severity .04 b −.02 b
Years postonset .03 b

Note. Correlations are significant at α = .05, unless otherwise indicated. ASRS = Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale; AOS = apraxia of speech; AES = Articulatory Error Score; MSDSR = Motor Speech Disorders Severity Rating.


Correlations between ASRS Total and Phonetic, Prosodic, and Other component scores are corrected for spurious overlap.


Not significant (p > .05).