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. 2023 May 18;16(5):770–777. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2023.05.15

Table 5. Comparisons of BCVA, NVA, CH, CRF, corneal staining, and subjective discomforts over 2y.

Parameters L-ICF group (n=22) L-CCF group (n=22) t/χ2 P M-ICF group (n=28) M-CCF group (n=25) t/χ2 P
HC BCVA (logMAR) -0.05±0.05 -0.04±0.06 -0.028 0.978 -0.06±0.05 -0.05±0.05 -0.800 0.427
LC BCVA (logMAR) 0.24±0.13 0.20±0.14 1.124 0.268 0.23±0.19 0.31±0.19 -1.729 0.088
NVA (logMAR) 0.03±0.02 0.03±0.03 -0.437 0.664 0.06±0.03 0.04±0.05 1.602 0.118
CH (mm Hg) 11.15±1.72 10.86±1.80 0.544 0.590 10.94±1.69 10.91±1.71 0.048 0.962
CRF (mm Hg) 11.04±2.04 11.22±1.79 -0.319 0.751 10.82±1.68 10.79±1.69 0.056 0.956
Corneal staining (G1, %) 18.18 13.64 0.000 >0.999 21.43 20.00 0.016 0.898
Corneal staining (G2, %) 9.09 18.18 0.193 0.660 14.29 16.00 0.000 >0.999
Glare, ghosting (%) 27.27 18.18 0.518 0.472 17.86 12.00 0.044 0.833
Visual fluctuation (%) 4.55 13.64 0.275 0.600 3.57 8.00 0.010 0.919

L-ICF: Low myopia subjects fitted with increased compression factor (1.75 D) ortho-k; L-CCF: Low myopia subjects fitted with conventional compression factor (0.75 D) ortho-k; M-ICF: Moderate myopia subjects fitted with increased compression factor (1.75 D) ortho-k; M-CCF: Moderate myopia subjects fitted with conventional compression factor (0.75 D) ortho-k; LC BCVA: Low-contrast best corrected visual acuity; HC BCVA: High-contrast best corrected visual acuity; NVA: Near visual acuity; CH: Corneal hysteresis; CRF: Corneal resistance factor.