Rats_Strat_1998_2017_SL.csv |
CTD Site (1,2 or 3) |
Ryder_Bay_Sampling_site |
Event number |
EventIndex |
Year |
Year |
Month |
Month |
Day of the month |
DayOfMonth |
MLD referenced to 0 m |
Mixed_Layer_Depth_deltasigma_0p05_m |
MLD referenced to 10 m |
Mixed_Layer_Depth_deltasigma_0p05_refdepth_10 m_m |
Stratification calculated at 10 m depth intervals |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_10 m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_20m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_30m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_40m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_50m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_60m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_70m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_80m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_90m_J_m-2 |
Potential_energy_anomaly_stratification_refdepth_100m_J_m-2 |
Rats_Strat_1998_2017_SL.nc |
CTD Site (1,2 or 3) |
Ryder_Bay_Sampling_site |
Event number |
EventIndex |
Year |
Year |
Month |
Month |
Day of the month |
DayOfMonth |
Stratification calculated at 10 m depth intervals |
Potential_energy_anomaly_startification_10m_increments |
Units = ‘J m-2’ |
MLD referenced to 0m |
Mixed_Layer_Depth_deltasigma_0p05 |
Units = ‘m’ |
MLD referenced to 10m |
Mixed_Layer_Depth_deltasigma_0p05_refdepth_10m |
Units = ‘m’ |