Detection and enumeration of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in breast cancer patients. (a) Fluorescent images showing detected CTCs from patient samples. Cells were stained by DAPI (blue), CK (green arrow, CTCs), and CD45 (red arrow, WBCs); CTCs are DAPI+, CK+, and CD45−; scale bar represents 20 μm. (b) The numbers of CTCs detected from blood samples of 12 breast cancer patients; results are from 10 ml whole blood. (c) The number of CTCs detected in venous blood samples from non-metastatic breast cancer with locally advanced tumors (non-mBC; n = 3), and from metastatic breast cancer (mBC; n = 9). (d) Comparison of the number of CTCs according to their metastatic niche with those with only soft tissue involvement (n = 3), only bone metastases (n = 3), or both soft tissue and bone metastases (n = 3). (e) CTC numbers before and after different courses of chemotherapy. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)