Fig. 5.
Ophiocordyceps subtiliphialida. A, C: Camponotus sp. was infected and bited into a leaf of a sapling. D: Fertile structure produced from the stroma; E–F: Cross-section of the ascoma showing the perithecial arrangement; G: Asci; H, I: Ascospores. J, K: Ascospore with long capilliconidia. L, M: Colonies on PDA medium. N–V: Conidiogenous cells and conidia. Scale bars: A, B = 0.4 cm; C = 0.2 cm; D = 0.1 cm; E = 200 µm; F = 100 µm; G = 50 µm; H–J = 20 µm; K = 50 µm; L, M = 2 cm; N, O = 20 µm; P–T = 50 µm; U, V = 5 µm