FIG. 3.
Complementation of HBMEC invasion phenotype of aslA mutant strains with wild-type DNA supplied in trans. (A) Complementation of TnphoA mutant 27A-6 with cosmid clone p7B8. (B) Complementation of TnphoA mutant 27A-6 with subclone p5C10. (C) Complementation of aslA disruption mutant JH3 with pJAH44 (aslA ORF). Results are presented as relative percent invasion, with that of strain E44 containing the respective cloning vector set at 100%. The data in panels A and B are from a single experiment conducted in duplicate and are representative of numerous experiments performed with similar results. The experiments whose results are shown in panel C were conducted in duplicate and performed three times. The error bars represent the standard errors of the means.