Fig. 1.
EIT images from one representative patient. Examples of EIT images collected from one representative patient; ∆EELI, TIV and GI are shown at baseline (T0), T1, T2 and T3. Yellow and blue codes indicate EELI loss and increase, respectively. A blue scale code indicates tidal variation, whereas pink scale code indicates lung inhomogeneity. The darker is blue or pink, the highest are the tidal variation or inhomogeneity, respectively. Of note, at T3 purple code represents a not-ventilated area (i.e. the heart). In this patient, EELI significantly increased at T1 (60 mL), T2 (148 mL) and T3 (193 mL). TIV and GI did not significantly change throughout the study protocol. ∆EELI changes from baseline (T0) of end-expiratory lung impedance, TIV tidal impedance variation, GI global inhomogeneity index