Network-like evolutionary relationships in eukaryotic mobile genetic elements and viruses. (A–D) Examples of the emergence of novel mobile genetic elements by recombination between different class of elements. (A)
(B) LTR retrotransposons and retroviruses (C)
Polintons and several dsDNA viruses, adapted from (79) (D) ssDNA viruses, adapted from (80). Abbreviations; PR, protease; RH, RNA helicase; RT, reverse-transcriptase; Env, envelope protein; INT, retrovirus-like integrase; CP, capsid protein; pPolB, protein-primed family B DNA polymerase; NCLDV, nucleocytoplasmic large DNA virus; RCRE, rolling-circle replication endonuclease; JRC, jerry-roll capsid. (E) Network-like evolutionary relationships in eukaryotic mobile genetic elements and viruses. Evolutionary relationships between different classes of mobile elements are connected by lines. Shared genes are represented next to the lines. Abbreviations; ATPase, DNA packaging ATPase; DDE, DDE transposase; DJR, double jelly-roll capsid; Env, envelope protein; Gag, group-specific antigen; JRC, jelly-roll capsid; pPolB, protein-primed family B DNA polymerase; Pro, Ulp1-like cysteine protease; RC-Rep, rolling-circle replication initiation endonuclease; RdRP, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; RT, reverse-transcriptase; S3H, superfamily 3 helicase.