RA- and OA-specific intact N-glycopeptides in synovium.A, heatmap showing the 29 RA- and 1 OA-specific N-glycopeptides with glycan compositions in synovium. The value for each N-glycopeptide is the adjusted intensity with a row-scaled Z score. B, GO analysis of the 16 glycoproteins derived from 29 RA-specific N-glycopeptides in terms of cellular component (CC), biological process (BP), and molecular function (MF). The top ten biological processes and cellular components are shown. C, Sankey diagram showing the 11 glycoproteins in the top ten biological processes of (B) and their interlinkages. D, heatmap representing the appearance of different glycan compositions at N-glycosites of the 11 glycoproteins in (C). OA, osteoarthritis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.