Table 1.
Project name | Project 1: Improving Care-Experienced Young People’s (CEYP) Access to SRH Services in Edinburgh |
Project 2: CONUNDRUM (Condom & Contraception Understandings: Researching Uptake and Motivations) |
Project 3: Communicating Sexual Consent |
Duration | 5 months | 14 months | 8 months |
Location | Edinburgh and Lothians | Scotland-wide | Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lothians, Lanarkshire |
Sector/s of team | Collaboration between NHS sexual health staff (KK and colleagues) and a youth organisation (ZC) | Led by university-based researchers (RL, CB, CM and colleagues), in collaboration with sexual health leads from Scottish NHS health boards and Scottish Government | University-based researchers (CM and colleague) |
How did the project arise? | Conceived by clinic-based sexual health practitioners and community-based health promotion team in response to team reflection on need to improve CEYP’s access to, and experiences of, SRH services. Funded by Edinburgh Family Planning Trust and NHS Lothian. | A need for research evidence was identified and funded by three NHS Scotland health boards, in partnership with Scottish Government, in response to changes in YP’s use of free condom services and some forms of LARC. Research team engaged through competitive tender process. Research questions developed through PPI activities with stakeholders, including YP. | Conceived and funded by three NHS Scotland health boards, in partnership with Scottish Government, in response to identified need for resources on sexual consent. Research team engaged through competitive tender process. |
PPI-related project aims | To involve care-experienced YP in identifying key priorities for service improvement within a specified SRH clinic, including co-developing an effective referral pathway. | To involve YP in co-developing a mixed methods study exploring factors shaping condom and contraception use among YP in Scotland. | To ensure that YP’s views inform the development of a health promotion film being developed by NHS health boards in Scotland to promote communication around sexual consent. |
Methods used to involve young people in PPI activities | Multi-phase process with 33 YP aged 13–25 years, including:
Multi-phase process with 60 YP aged 16–24 years, including:
Multi-phase process with 58 YP aged 16–25 years, including:
How were young people recruited for PPI activities? | Multi-strand approach including recruitment via: (1) third sector youth services; (2) secure services and (3) Young People’s Centres. | Multi-strand approach including recruitment via: (1) a diverse range of youth groups and third sector youth organisations and (2) research team’s existing contacts with youth workers. | Multi-strand approach including recruitment via: (1) youth organisations and (2) research team’s existing contacts with YP involved in previous sexual health-related research. |
Were young people compensated for their involvement? | YP were not compensated for their participation in consultation or workshop activities. YP who participated in interviews received a £5 voucher for their involvement. | Yes – YP received vouchers for participation in workshops and meetings (approx. £25 per hour, with no preparation time required). | Yes – both youth advisors and research participants received vouchers for their participation (approx. £20 per hour). |
CEYP, care-experienced young people; LARC, long-acting reversible contraception; NHS, National Health Service; SRH, sexual and reproductive health; YP, young people.