Fig. 3.
The switch maps. A Host switches. Bats are labeled in red, rodents are labeled in blue, felines are labeled in violet, and hedgehog is labeled in yellow. B Region switches. Asia is labeled in violet, Australia is labeled in black, Europe is labeled in wathet blue, Africa is labeled in yellow, and America is labeled in green. The length of lines represents the value of Bayesian factors (ZJ, Zhejiang; YN, Yunnan; XZ, Tibet; SN, Shaanxi; SC, Sichuan; QH, Qinghai; NX, Ningxia; LN, Liaoning; JX, Jiangxi; HK, Hong Kong; HI, Hainan; HB, Hubei; GX, Guangxi; GD, Guangdong; AH, Anhui).