Fig. 2.
RNA expression of string-lacZ reporter genes. Wild-type string mRNA expression is shown to the left (A-D, I-L), and lacZ mRNA expression in correspondingly staged pstgβ-E4.9 (E-H) and pstgβ-E6.4 (M-P) embryos is shown to the right. Stages are indicated in upper right corners and approximate ages in minutes AED at 25°C are indicated in bottom right corners of each panel. Most embryos are also stained with DNA stain, Hoescht 33258, to illuminate nuclei (light blue). Note views of embryos: (A-C,E-G) ventrolateral; (D,H-J,M,N) ventral; (K,L,O,P) lateral. (A) Maternal stg expression in cycle 12. (E) Maternal lacZ expression in cycle 11. (B) stg expression in MD 1–14 of cycle 14. (F) lacZ expression in MDs 10, 14 and 21 of cycle 14; note the early expression in MD 21 compared to wild type and a lack of expression in the head and lateral epidermis. (C) stg expression in cycle 14 MDs 21–25 and N, cycle 15 expression in the head and lateral epidermis. (G) lacZ expression in cycle 14 MDs 21 and N. (D) stg expression in cycle 14 MD M and cycle 15 expression in the head, ventrolateral epidermis, ventral neurectoderm and neuroblasts. (H) lacZ expression in cycle 14 MD M and cycle 15 ventral neurectoderm; staining in lateral epidermis is background from vector (see results). (I) stg expression in cycle 14 MDs 1–10. (M) lacZ expression in cycle 14 MDs 1 and 2; note lack of expression in domains 3–10. (J) stg expression in cycle 14 MDs M, N and 25 and neuroblasts; cycle 15 expression in the head and lateral epidermis. (N) lacZ expression in cycle 14 MD 15 and neuroblasts (NB), (note that lacZ mRNA persists in MD 15 as it is more stable than string mRNA); cycle 15 expression in the head (subdivisions of MD 1, 2); note lack of expression in cycle 14 MDs M, N, 25 and cycle 15 lateral epidermis. (K) stg expression in tracheal placodes (TP) during cycle 16, expression also in ventral neurectoderm, neuroblasts and head. (O) lacZ expression in tracheal placodes during cycle 16, expression also in neuroblasts and restricted domains in the head. (L) cycle 16 stg expression in the epidermis. (P) lacZ expression is limited to trachea, CNS, brain and head. Bottom: a map of the cycle 14 mitotic domains reproduced from Foe (1989). Mitotic domains are indicated by distinct colors and are numbered according to the order in which they divide.