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. 2023 May 9;9:20552076231174101. doi: 10.1177/20552076231174101
Composite Factor loading Cronbach alpha Mean SD CR AVE Item
1. TTF 0.76 5.43 0.68 0.83 0.37
0.80 5.87 1.02 TTF1: Sufficiently detailed health information is maintained on the system (“EHRs Openness” application).
0.73 5.67 0.98 TTF2: On the system I visit, health information is either obvious or easy to find out.
0.71 5.90 1.03 TTF3: I can get health information (regarding medications, laboratory tests, hospital treatments) quickly and easily from the system when I need it.
0.75 6.11 0.94 TTF4: The online health information in “EHRs Openness” system that I use or would like to use is accurate enough for my purposes.
0.78 5.88 1.04 TTF5: The online health information in PAEHRs system is up to date enough for my purposes.
0.40 5.21 1.39 TTF6: The online health information in the “EHRs Openness” system that I need is displayed in a readable and understandable form.
0.79 6.09 0.89 TTF7: The online health information in the “EHRs Openness” app is pretty much what I need to carry out my tasks.
0.29 4.79 1.61 TTF8: Getting authorization to access data that would be useful to my health is time consuming and difficult.
0.16 4.06 1.52 TTF9: There is not enough training for me on how to download, understand, access or use the “EHRs Openness” app.
0.21 4.75 1.45 TTF10: I am getting the guidance I need to be able to use the “ EHRs Openness” app.
2. PE 0.92 6.29 0.91 0.92 0.78
0.88 6.35 0.98 PE1: Using “EHRs Openness” app will support critical aspects of my healthcare.
0.90 6.26 1.00 PE2: Using “EHRs Openness” app will enhance my effectiveness in managing my healthcare.
0.88 6.27 0.96 PE3: Overall, “EHRs Openness” app will be useful in managing my healthcare.
3. EE 0.93 6.26 0.94 0.94 0.78
0.92 6.29 1.04 EE1: Learning how to use “EHRs Openness” app is easy for me.
0.83 6.16 1.03 EE2: My interaction with “EHRs Openness” app is clear and understandable.
0.90 6.29 1.00 EE3: I find “EHRs Openness” app easy to use.
0.88 6.29 1.02 EE4: It is easy for me to become skillful at using “EHRs Openness” app.
4. SI 0.83 5.50 1.17 0.83 0.63
0.97 5.84 1.09 SI1: People who are important to me (e.g. family members) think that I should use “EHRs Openness” app.
0.68 5.37 1.47 SI2: People who influence my behavior (e.g. doctors and nurses) think that I should use “EHRs Openness” app.
0.69 5.28 1.46 SI3: People whose opinions that I value (e.g. patients in the same ward) prefer that I use “EHRs Openness” app.
5. FC 0.91 6.27 0.84 0.92 0.74
0.83 6.37 0.84 FC1: I have the resources necessary to use “EHRs Openness” app.
0.92 6.28 0.98 FC2: I have the knowledge necessary to use “EHRs Openness” app.
0.93 6.36 0.84 FC3: “EHRs Openness” app is compatible with other technologies I use.
0.76 6.07 1.09 FC4: I can get help from others when I have difficulties using “EHRs Openness” app.
6.IU 0.9 6.10 0.92 0.9 0.69
0.70 6.09 0.99 IU1: I think it would be very good to use the “EHRs Openness” app for my health activities in addition to traditional methods.
0.83 6.03 1.10 IU2: In my opinion it would be very desirable to use the “EHRs Openness” app for my health activities in addition to traditional methods.
0.84 6.08 1.06 IU3: It would be much better for me to use the “EHRs Openness” app for my health activities in addition to traditional methods.
0.95 6.21 1.07 IU4: Overall, I like using the “EHRs Openness” app for my health activities.
7. Use 0.96 5.81 0.93 0.96 0.83
0.93 5.59 1.04 Use1: I use the application to check costs.
0.93 5.84 1.01 Use2: I use the application to check results of laboratory test and radiology tests.
0.97 5.77 0.98 Use3: I use the application to check a detailed record of diagnosis and treatment recorded by a doctor during my stay in hospital.
0.89 5.86 1.03 Use4: I use the application to check prescriptions.
0.83 5.98 0.94 Use5: I use the application to check historical diagnostic information.

Note: TTF: Task Technology Fit; PE: Performance Expectation; EE: Effort Expectation; SI: Social Influence; FC: Facilitating Conditions; IU: Intention to Use; Use: Usage Behavior; SD: Standard deviation; CR: Composite reliability; AVE: Average variances extracted.