Transpapillary stenting (ERCP) is possible if the scope can pass the duodenal obstruction or the duodenal stent
EUS-guided antegrade (AG) stent placement is preferred over EUS-guided transmural stenting
Duodenal stenting/EUS-GEA
GOO occurs at the level of the duodenal bulb or upper duodenal genu, but without involvement of the papilla |
Type 1
Double stenting is technically possible by adding a duodenal stent if an indwelling biliary stent is present
In cases with the ampulla overlapped by a duodenal stent, there are some techniques for biliary access:
In cases with an indwelling duodenal stent, biliary access can be achieved by the rendezvous technique, either EUS or PTBD-guidance
Simultaneous double stenting with the temporary plastic biliary stent placement technique
Placement of a duodenal stent followed by a transpapillary biliary stent through the duodenal stent (to enable future reinterventions for biliary stent occlusion)
EUS-HGS and duodenal stenting/EUS-GEA
GOO affects the second part of the duodenum, with involvement of the papilla. |
Type 2
Transpapillary stenting including both ERCP and EUS-guided antegrade stenting is possible but prone to duodenobiliary reflux
EUS-CDS and duodenal stenting/EUS-GEA
EUS-HGS and duodenal stenting/EUS-GEA
GOO involves the third part of the duodenum, distal to and without involvement of the papilla. |
Type 3