Downregulation of STAT4 mRNA is associated with poor patient outcomes in T-PLL. (a) Overall survival (OS), comparing T-PLL cases with STAT4 mRNA expression higher than the median STAT4 expression of all T-PLL cases (n = 28) to those with lower STAT4 mRNA expression than the median (n = 30). For the evaluation of STAT4 mRNA expression, our previously published gene-expression array data were utilized [6]. Notably, the OS of low STAT4 mRNA-expressing cases (median OS: 20.1 months) was shorter compared to cases with high STAT4 mRNA expression (median OS: 31.0 months, p = 0.02, log-rank test. (b) Multivariate survival analysis in 41 T-PLL cases, assessing the impact of STAT4 gene expression (by gene-expression array data [6]), white blood cell (WBC) count, and Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) at diagnosis. Statistical significance was assessed via Cox regression analysis. Outcomes after alemtuzumab-based therapy in association with miR-141/200c or STAT4 expression are presented in Supplementary Figure S6.