Table 1.
The effects of using plant polyphenol extracts and flaxseed on fat content and fatty acid concentrations in yolks of raw eggs from slow-growing Sasso laying hens.
Fatty Acids (mg/g) | 1 Treatments | Random Effect |
p-Value | |||||||||
FS | VE8 | DA8 | TS8 | CD8 | ||||||||
Mean | 95% [LCL, UCL] | Mean | 95% [LCL, UCL] | Mean | 95% [LCL, UCL] | Mean | 95% [LCL, UCL] | Mean | 95% [LCL, UCL] |
C14:0 | 0.80 | [0.72, 0.86] | 0.78 | [0.70, 0.85] | 0.82 | [0.74, 0.89] | 0.77 | [0.69, 0.84] | 0.80 | [0.73, 0.87] | non 0 | 0.8556 |
C16:0 | 63.90 | [61.1, 66.7] | 65.20 | [62.4, 68.0] | 66.30 | [63.6, 69.1] | 64.00 | [61.3, 66.8] | 65.50 | [62.7, 68.3] | non 0 | 0.6833 |
C18:0 | 22.70 | [21.6, 23.9] | 21.50 | [20.3, 22.6] | 22.20 | [21.0, 23.3] | 23.10 | [21.9, 24.2] | 22.70 | [21.5, 23.9] | 0 | 0.3320 |
C14:1cis-9 | 0.15 | [0.12, 0.18] | 0.14 | [0.11, 0.17] | 0.17 | [0.14, 0.20] | 0.14 | [0.11, 0.17] | 0.16 | [0.13, 0.19] | non 0 | 0.4706 |
C16:1cis-9 | 6.97 | [6.17, 7.78] | 6.68 | [5.87, 7.49] | 7.57 | [6.76, 8.38] | 6.58 | [5.77, 7.39] | 7.31 | [6.50, 8.12] | non 0 | 0.3638 |
C18:2n-6 | 33.70 | [30.9, 36.5] | 37.20 | [34.4, 40.1] | 35.60 | [32.8, 38.4] | 38.8 | [36.0, 41.6] | 36.20 | [33.4, 39.1] | non 0 | 0.1383 |
C18:3n-3 | 6.60 | [5.39, 7.80] | 6.56 | [5.36, 7.77] | 7.63 | [6.43, 8.83] | 8.51 | [7.31, 9.72] | 8.08 | [6.88, 9.28] | non 0 | 0.0981 |
C20:4n-6 | 3.79 | [3.52, 4.07] | 4.09 | [3.81, 4.37] | 3.65 | [3.37, 3.93] | 4.09 | [3.81, 4.37] | 4.00 | [3.73, 4.28] | non 0 | 0.1045 |
C20:5n-3 | 0.16 a | [0.14, 0.18] | 0.16 a | [0.13, 0.17] | 0.20 b | [0.17, 0.22] | 0.21 b | [0.18, 0.23] | 0.21 b | [0.19, 0.23] | 0 | 0.0003 |
C22:5n-3 | 0.81 a | [0.60, 1.02] | 0.95 a | [0.75, 1.16] | 1.29 b | [1.08, 1.50] | 1.07 ab | [0.86, 1.27] | 1.08 ab | [0.87, 1.29] | non 0 | 0.0338 |
C22:6n-3 | 5.96 a | [5.51, 6.42] | 6.31 ab | [5.86, 6.77] | 6.50 ab | [6.04, 6.95] | 7.39 c | [6.93, 7.84] | 6.93 bc | [6.47, 7.38] | non 0 | 0.0011 |
2 ∑SFA | 88.20 | [84.9, 91.6] | 88.40 | [85.1, 91.7] | 90.20 | [86.9, 93.5] | 88.80 | [85.5, 92.1] | 89.90 | [86.5, 93.2] | non 0 | 0.8785 |
3 ∑MUFA | 117 | [113, 122] | 116 | [112, 120] | 118 | [114, 122] | 117 | [113, 121] | 119 | [115, 123] | 0 | 0.9255 |
4 ∑ PUFA | 53.10 a | [49.2, 56.9] | 57.50 ab | [53.6, 61.3] | 57.00 ab | [53.1, 60.8] | 62.10 b | [58.3, 66.0] | 58.50 b | [54.7, 62.4] | non 0 | 0.0366 |
∑ n-3 PUFAs | 13.70 a | [12.1, 15.3] | 14.20 a | [12.6, 15.8] | 15.80 ab | [14.2, 17.4] | 17.40 b | [15.8, 19.0] | 16.50 b | [14.9, 18.1] | non 0 | 0.0122 |
∑ n-6 PUFAs | 39.10 | [36.3, 41.9] | 43.10 | [40.3, 45.9] | 40.90 | [38.0, 43.7] | 44.50 | [41.6, 47.3] | 41.80 | [38.9, 44.6] | non 0 | 0.0935 |
Fat (%) | 25.90 | [25.2, 26.5] | 26.20 | [25.5, 26.9] | 26.50 | [25.8, 27.2] | 26.80 | [26.1, 27.5] | 26.70 | [26.0, 27.4] | non 0 | 0.2900 |
Estimated marginal means (emmeans) with 95% upper confidence (UCL) and lower confidence limits (LCL) (n = 70); emmeans within a row with a, b, c superscript letters are significantly different at p < 0.05. 1 FS: 75 g of flaxseed + no antioxidant sources, VE8: 75 g of flaxseed + 800 mg α-tocopherol/kg, DA8: 75 g of flaxseed + 800 mg of D. angustifolia extract/kg, TS8: 75 g of flaxseed + 800 mg of T. schimperi/kg, CD8: 75 g of flaxseed + 800 mg of C. domestica/kg diet. 2 Sum of saturated fatty acids. 3 Sum of monounsaturated fatty acids. 4 Sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids.