Figure 6. Sputum microbial diversity increases after ETI due to decreases in CF pathogen abundance.
(A and C) Sputum genera relative abundance data were used to calculate the Shannon (A) and Simpson (C) indices at each time point. (B and D) To examine the effect CF pathogen abundance changes on the observed increase in diversity, sequencing reads from traditional CF pathogen genera were computationally removed (see text) and the Shannon (B) and Simpson (D) indices were recalculated. Mean and SD for each time point are shown. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05 by 1-way ANOVA) in diversity after ETI compared with before ETI) only when all genera were included; this was true for all post-ETI visits. One hundred forty-five participants were studied at the pre-ETI visit, 123 at 1 month, 56 at 3 months, and 89 at 6 months.