FIG. 2.
(A) Schematic representation and alignment of HGE agent (strain BDS) and E. equi (strain MRK) AnkA open reading frames. For comparison, the previously reported ank gene (24) is also shown at the top. hge-d in pBK-CMV refers to the initial clone, highlighting the SalI and HindIII sites used to subclone into the pMAL-c2 expression vector; the dotted line represents 15 nt of vector sequence. The SalI-BamHI fragment was the one used for probing Southern blots. The single line within the MRK sequences identifies the approximate position of the 81 nt coding for the second 27-amino-acid repeat, which is missing in AnkA from E. equi. (B) Schematic representation of AnkA. Closed boxes, 11 ankyrin repeats; open boxes, two contiguous 27-amino-acid repeats; hatched boxes, two 11-amino-acid repeats. Gene, clone, and protein designations are shown on the right.