Life table analysis illustrating the percentages of surviving animals at the indicated time points after i.p. injection of Hib at time point 0 h (all drugs were also given i.p.). Treatment groups are indicated by the following abbreviations. CNI, CNI-1493 (5 mg/kg) injected 1 h before bacterial inoculation and 24 h after (n = 25). CNI + CTX, CNI-1493 (as previous dosage) with cefotaxime (50 mg/kg), twice daily for 4 days, first dose 12 h after bacterial inoculation (n = 29). CTX, cefotaxime alone (as previous dosage) (n = 28). Dexa + CTX, dexamethasone (0.15 mg/kg), first dose 1 h before bacterial inoculation and 24 h later with cefotaxime (as previous dosage) (n = 26). Control, infected animals without any treatment (n = 25). A significant increase in the survival rate over that for controls was noticed for all CNI-1493-treated animals both with and without antibiotic treatment.