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. 2023 Apr 27;12(9):1797. doi: 10.3390/plants12091797

Table 2.

Reaction of soybean genotypes to Phakopsora pachyrhizi isolate MS 06-1b.

Entry Code Line Name Genotype MG a Lesion Type b Severity c Sporulation d
SB42 PI 567102B e Rpp6 VII NIM 1.2 p f 1.0 r f
SB01 CM422 Rpp4 V RB 3.2 lmn 3.4 klm
SB02 4013-2-1-1-4-1 Rpp2 &/or ? g III RB 2.9 n 1.9 o
SB03 4014-242-341 Rpp2 &/or ? g III RB 3.6 hijkl 3.6 jkl
SB17 7092-x-1 rpp3 IV RB 2.9 n 1.8 op
SB24 RN06-32-1(7-b) Unknown V RB 2.2 o 1.7 op
SB26 DS5-67 Rpp3 V RB 2.9 n 1.8 op
SB27 G01-PR16 Rpp3 + Rpp5 V RB 2.8 n 1.4 pqr
SB28 4022-1-4-124 Rpp4 V RB 3.5 ijklm 2.7 n
SB29 4022-1-4-121 Rpp4 V RB 3.2 klmn 3.6 jkl
SB32 PI 200492 e Rpp1a VII RB 1.3 p 1.2 qr
SB38 PI 462312 e Rpp3 VIII RB 2.9 n 1.9 o
SB39 GC00138-29 Unknown VI RB 2.2 o 1.5 opq
SB40 GC84058-18-4 Unknown V RB 3.2 lmn 3.1 mn
SB41 GC84051-9-1 Unknown IV RB 2.3 o 1.8 op
SB45 PI 230970 e Rpp2 VII RB 2.9 n 2.8 n
SB46 PI 459025B e Rpp4 VIII RB 3.3 klmn 3.3 lm
SB56 PI 200487 e Rpp5 VIII RB 1.9 o 1.2 qr
SB04 6112-13-6211 Rpp1d h III TAN 4.0 cdefgh 4.1 fghi
SB05 6112-55-3-1-21 Rpp1d h IV TAN 4.0 cdefgh 3.9 hij
SB06 6112-13-3-1-11 Rpp1d h III TAN 3.6 hijkl 4.3 cdefgh
SB07 RN6-313-362 Rpp1b IV TAN 4.1 cdefg 4.3 defghi
SB08 4013-1-3-5-3-2 Unknown III TAN 3.6 hijkl 3.9 hij
SB09 4018-4-1-1-212 Unknown III TAN 3.8 efghij 4.3 defghi
SB10 4019-2-2-3-3-1 Unknown IV TAN 3.9 defghij 4.6 abcde
SB11 6112-13-6-42 Rpp1d h IV TAN 3.4 jklm 4.3 cdefgh
SB12 6112-13-33-1-1 Rpp1d h IV TAN 3.6 hijkl 4.3 cdefgh
SB13 6112-136-411 Rpp1d h IV TAN 4.1 bcdefg 4.6 abcde
SB14 RN6-3-134211 Rpp1b IV TAN 4.3 abcde 4.4 cdefg
SB15 6108-1043321 Rpp1c h IV TAN 4.4 abc 4.9 a
SB16 6116-5-4-1-1 Unknown IV TAN 4.1 cdefg 4.2 efghi
SB18 88-203-1-2-1 Unknown V TAN 4.3 abcde 4.8 ab
SB19 7088-198-212 Unknown V TAN 3.9 defghi 4.3 defghi
SB20 7088-198-521 Unknown V TAN 3.8 efghij 4.4 cdefg
SB21 6108-1662111 Rpp1c h V TAN 4.0 cdefgh 4.7 abcd
SB22 6115-22-511 Unknown V TAN 3.5 ijklm 4.6 abcde
SB23 6113-216-121 Rpp1e h VI TAN 3.9 defghij 4.8 ab
SB25 6106-132-1-2 Unknown IV TAN 3.9 defghi 4.2 efghi
SB30 Williams 82 i Susceptible III TAN 4.6 ab 4.8 ab
SB31 PI 594538A Rpp1b VIII TAN 4.3 abcde 4.8 ab
SB33 PI 587886 Rpp1d h VI TAN 4.3 abcd 4.0 ghij
SB34 PI 587880A Rpp1c h VI TAN 3.8 fghij 4.1 fghi
SB36 PI 587905 Rpp1e h VII TAN 4.7 a 4.5 abcdef
SB37 PI 567099A rpp3 VIII TAN 3.1 mn 3.3 lm
SB43 PI 594723 Unknown VII TAN 3.2 lmn 3.8 ijk
SB44 PI 605779E Unknown VIII TAN 3.8 efghij 3.8 ijk
SB47 PI 594760B Unknown VIII TAN 4.2 bcdef 4.7 abcd
SB48 PI 567145C Unknown VIII TAN 4.4 abc 4.7 abcd
SB49 Stafford i Susceptible IV TAN 3.9 defghij 4.3 cdefgh
SB50 5002T i Susceptible V TAN 4.3 abcde 4.8 ab
SB51 PI 605833 Unknown IX TAN 3.9 defghi 4.8 abc
SB52 Osage i Susceptible V TAN 3.7 ghijk 4.3 defghi
SB54 NC-Roy i Susceptible VI TAN 4.6 ab 4.2 efghi
SB55 PI 200456 rpp5 VIII TAN 4.0 cdefgh 4.5 abcdef
Mean 3.5 3.6

a Maturity group; b RB: reddish-brown colored lesion, TAN: tan-colored lesions, NIM: near immune reaction with no macroscopically visible lesions; c Disease severity was determined based on lesion density (percentage of infected area) on the first trifoliate leaves. A five-point scale was used as previously described [29,30] where 1 = no visible lesions, 2 = a few lesions with approximately 1–20% of the area infected, 3 = lesion density with approximately 21–50% of the area infected, 4 = substantial lesion density with approximately 51–80% of the area infected, and 5 = very heavy lesion density with approximately 81–100% of the area infected; d Sporulation was rated based on the relative percentage of lesions producing urediniospores on each plant tested using a 1-to-5 scale where 1 = no sporulation, 2 = less than 25% sporulation, 3 = 26 to 50% sporulation, 4 = 51–75% sporulation, and 5 = 76 to 100% of the lesions sporulating [30,31]; e Resistant check; f Means followed by the same letter within a column and maturity group are not significantly different by the least significant difference test at p ≤ 0.05 as determined by the SAS GLMMIX procedure; g Rpp2 and/or other gene(s); h Mapped to Rpp1 but is not the same allele as Rpp1b; i Susceptible check.