Table 1.
Included studies.
Author, Year [Reference] | Age at Enrollment | Participants Included (Analyzed) | Formula Feeding at Enrollment | Data Collection Methods | Intervention * (Intake Mean, SD) $ (Intake Median, Q1–Q3) |
Control * (Intake Mean, SD) $ (Intake Median, Q1–Q3) |
Follow-Up | Outcomes | Published Study Protocol Available (Yes/No) | Sample Size Calculation (Yes/No) | Funding |
Grant et al., 2005, New Zealand [20] | Birth to 72 h | 72 (70) | Exclusive formula feeding | Parent reporting diary, anthropometric measurements | * GMF (820, 133) mL | * CMF (865, 125) mL | Until 168 days of age | Weight, length, HC at 14, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, and 168 days; bowel motion frequency and consistency; sleeping and crying patterns, adverse events | No | Yes | Dairy Goat Co-operative (N.Z.) Ltd, Hamilton |
Zhou et al., 2014, Australia [21] | Birth to 14 days | 200 (200) plus 101 who were BMF | Exclusive formula feeding | Blood sample, parent reporting form, anthropometric measurements | GMF $ (698, 570–825) mL at first 2 weeks 1 $ (1000, 855–1190) mL at 4 and 6 months 1 |
CMF BMF $ (698, 570–825) mL at first 2 weeks 1 $ (1000, 855–1190) mL at 4 and 6 months 1 |
Until 4–12 months of age | Weight, length, HC at 2 wk and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 months of age, reported as z-scores; nutritional status (serum albumin, urea, creatinine, hemoglobin, ferritin, folate, plasma amino acid concentration at 4 months); health problems (respiratory illness, gastrointestinal illness, reflux, eye infection, ear, nose, and throat conditions, fever, urinary tract infection, and thrush); SAE (death or hospital admission for more than 24 h); dermatitis (SCORAD); symptoms related to food allergy and/or GI function; stool frequency/consistency; sleep patterns | Yes | Yes | Dairy Goat Co-operative (N.Z.) Limited, New Zealand |
Xu et al., 2015, China [22] | 0–3 months | 79 (65) | Not exclusive formula feeding | anthropometric measurements, parent reporting diary, blood samples | GMF * (76.88, 43.98) g at enrollment 1 * (173.40, 71.35) g after 6 months of intervention 1 |
CMF * (76.88, 43.98) g at enrollment 1 * (173.40, 71.35) g after 6 months of intervention 1 |
6 months | Weight, length, and HC, measured at enrollment, 3 months, and 6 months, reported as z- scores; health problems, including respiratory illness, gastrointestinal illness, reflux, eye infection, ear, nose, and throat conditions, fever, urinary tract infection, and thrush; SAE (death or hospital admission for more than 24 h); blood elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu levels in serum); urinal and fecal parameters | No | Yes | GMF and CMF were manufactured and provided by Ausnutria Hyproca Dairy Group BV Financially supported by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission |
He et al., 2022, The Netherlands [23] | 0–14 days | 218 (153) plus 86 (75) who were BMF | Exclusive formula feeding | Anthropometric measurements, blood and stool samples, parent reporting form | GMF * (765.8, 225.2) mL at day 14 * (953.8, 257.1) mL at day 112 |
CMF * (781.4, 157.2) mL at day 14 * (985.5, 242.5) mL at day 112 BMF (Not randomized) |
112 d | Weight, length, and HC at baseline and at 14, 28, 56, 84, and 112 study days; stool characteristics (infant stool form scale); tolerability symptoms (reflux, colic, flatulence, and fussiness); medication use; AE (any untoward medical occurrence in a subject during the study period); SAE (death, hospitalization, or prolongation of existing hospitalization, persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or an important medical event) | Yes | Yes | Ausnutria B.V. |
* (intake, mean, SD); $ (intake, median, Q1–Q3), GMF, goat milk formula; CMF, cow milk formula; SAE, serious adverse event; AE, adverse event; HC, head circumference; BMF, breastmilk-fed. 1 Intake median was calculated and includes GMF and CMF groups in grams of powder.