Extended Data Fig. 7. Effects of SOX9 dosage changes on gene expression.
(a) Heatmap of fold-changes versus full (100) SOX9 dosage for all all genes for which SOX9 dosage explains a significant (5% FDR) amount of variance (likelihood ratio test), clustered by row based on Kendall distance (b) Examples of genes upregulated in response to SOX9 depletion with buffered (left) or sensitive (right) responses. Black and blue lines represent Hill and linear fits, respectively (c) Principal component analysis of RNA-seq counts per million (CPM) across all SOX9-tagged and WT CNCC samples. Shapes indicate the dTAGV-1 concentration treated for 48 h. Colors indicate the combination of hESC line from which CNCCs were derived and differentiation batch (S9c1/2 = SOX9-tagged clone1/2). Arrow indicates the SOX9 dosage effect.